Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Angry Arab on Madonna/Israel

American Zionist liberals
"Madonna is reportedly spending the Sabbath eve at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's home." Forget about the celebrity culture and forget about a person whose knowledge of world affairs is distracted by her constant search for poor African children to buy. But it made me think: that American Zionist liberals are not even like Israeli Zionist liberals. Israeli Zionist liberals are aware of the right-left dichotomy (as bad and criminal and terrorist the Israeli Zionist liberals and conservatives are), while American liberal Zionists identify with Israel so much that they disregard the right-left dichotomy. This is a woman who would never be seen with a right-wing American politician, but would be honored to dine with a fascist Israeli leader. Such are the standards of American Zionist liberals: Madonna mocks George W. Bush, and honors Netanyahu, who is to the right of Bush.
Posted by As'ad at 9:57 AM


  1. i think it's all part of her goofy kabbala obsession.

  2. That and more Yasmin...Being isolated or insulated from the real world...

  3. Add the isolation and insulation from the real world...

  4. Add to it the isolation and insulation and you get a freak..Not unlike Michael Jackson...Who would have wanted to hear M.Jackson's world views anyway?
