Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Richard Falk: Prolonged occupation new crime against humanity
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Arrested while helping farmers in Saffa Valley
Israeli soldiers detain Israeli and international activists in Saffa Valley, June 2009. |
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UN confirms ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem
Cairo – PNN - The Cairo-based UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) released a report on Monday saying that Israeli settlers in Jerusalem cooperated with Israeli police to seize a three-storey Palestinian apartment in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Jebel al-Mukabar between November 10 and November 23. Three families, 14 people all together including five children, left as a result. The OCHA report said that settlers bought the apartment from a family member who died several years ago, putting the deal into dispute. The Palestinian owners of the buildings demanded to see the papers of sale and alleged that they were defrauded. OCHA claimed this is the second time buildings have been seized by settlers since the beginning of the year. In July, settlers took over eight residential units in the Old City, resulting in the flight of eight Palestinian families, or 29 people in all.
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Noam Chomsky: WikiLeaks Cables Reveal "Profound Hatred for Democracy on the Part of Our Political Leadership"
In a national broadcast exclusive interview, we speak with world-renowned political dissident and linguist Noam Chomsky about the release of more than 250,000 secret U.S. State Department cables by WikiLeaks. In 1971, Chomsky helped government whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg release the Pentagon Papers, a top-secret internal U.S. account of the Vietnam War. Commenting on the revelations that several Arab leaders are urging the United States to attack Iran, Chomsky says, "latest polls show] Arab opinion holds that the major threat in the region is Israel, that’s 80 percent; the second threat is the United States, that’s 77 percent. Iran is listed as a threat by 10 percent," Chomsky says. "This may not be reported in the newspapers, but it’s certainly familiar to the Israeli and U.S. governments and the ambassadors. What this reveals is the profound hatred for democracy on the part of our political leadership."
"We Have Not Seen Anything Yet": Guardian Editor Says Most Startling WikiLeaks Cables Still To Be Released
"In the coming days, we are going to see some quite startling disclosures about Russia, the nature of the Russian state, and about bribery and corruption in other countries, particularly in Central Asia," says Investigations Executive Editor David Leigh at the Guardian, one of the three newspapers given advanced access to the secret U.S. embassy cables by the whistleblower website, WikiLeaks. "We will see a wrath of disclosures about pretty terrible things going on around the world." Leigh reviews the major WikiLeaks revelations so far, explains how the 250,000 files were downloaded and given to the newspaper on a thumb drive, and confirms the Guardian gave the files to the New York Times. Additional cables will be disclosed throughout the week.
An Interview With WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange
Interviewing Julian Assange, London, Nov. 11, 2010.
Admire him or revile him, WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange is the prophet of a coming age of involuntary transparency, the leader of an organization devoted to divulging the world’s secrets using technology unimagined a generation ago. Over the last year his information insurgency has dumped 76,000 secret Afghan war documents and another trove of 392,000 files from the Iraq war into the public domain–the largest classified military security breaches in history. Sunday, WikiLeaks made the first of 250,000 classified U.S. State Department cables public, offering an unprecedented view of how America’s top diplomats view enemies and friends alike.
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Robert Fisk: Now we know. America really doesn't care about injustice in the Middle East.
There is virtually no talk (so far, at least) of illegal Jewish colonial settlements on the West Bank, of Israeli "outposts", of extremist Israeli "settlers" whose homes now smallpox the occupied Palestinian West Bank – of the vast illegal system of land theft which lies at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian war. And incredibly, all kinds of worthy US diplomats grovel and kneel before Israel's demands – many of them apparently fervent supporters of Israel – as Mossad bosses and Israel military intelligence agents read their wish-list to their benefactors."
Wikileaks evades hackers with shift to Amazon
Wikileaks, the site that has infuriated the US government by releasing thousands of US diplomatic cables, is being hosted by one of the symbols of that country's internet success - Amazon.
The site came under a "Distributed Denial of Service" (DDOS) attack on Sunday night from an unidentified hacker, forcing it to seek a new location for its computer files. And it found it through Amazon's "Elastic Cloud Computing" (EC2) service, which enables businesses to hire its servers and store their data there.
DDOS attacks typically force sites off the net unless they have enormous bandwidth at their disposal or highly effective countermeasures. Wikileaks, being small and struggling for funds, is neither.
Monday, November 29, 2010
US embassy cables: A banquet of secrets
It is the historian's dream. It is the diplomat's nightmare. Here, for all to see, are the confidences of friends, allies and rivals, garnished with American diplomats' frank, sometimes excoriating assessments of them. Over the next couple of weeks, you, the readers of the Guardian, will enjoy a multi-course banquet from the history of the present.
Read more-The Guardian
Hillary Clinton Ordered Diplomats to Steal UN Officials’ Credit Card Numbers
'National Humint Collection Directive' Also Called for Them to Steal Passwords, DNA
One of the first eye-opening revelations from the massive WikiLeaks diplomatic logs release is the length to which the US State Department is being treated as just another of America’s many spying apparatus.Among the leaks was something called the “National Humint Collection Directive,” a secret document signed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last year. The document orders officials at the State Department to conduct mass surveillance and in some cases outright theft against high ranking UN officials.
Incredibly, beyond the simple collection of secret information about officials including UN chief Ban Ki-moon, the directive also calls for State Department officials to try to steal credit card data from a number of top officials, as well as passwords and personal encryption keys. They also sought to collect DNA samples from UN members.
Breaking news: Iranian 'nuclear scientist' killed
An Iranian nuclear scientist was killed in one of two explosions that rocked the capital Tehran on Monday, according to state media. Three people were also injured in the blasts.
The report said that Dr. Majid Shahriari was killed and his wife was injured. Shahriari was a member of the nuclear engineering department of Shahid Beheshti University in northern Tehran, according to the official IRNA news agency.
In a separate attack, Dr. Fereydoon Abbasi and his wife were injured.
Abbasi, 52, holds a PhD in nuclear physics and did nuclear research at the defence ministry, Mashreghnews, an Iranian news website, said.
He is "one of the few specialists who can separate isotopes" and has been a "member of the Revolutionary Guards since the revolution" in 1979, added the website.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saudi king urged U.S. to attack Iran: WikiLeaks
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Wikileaks documents: Saudi Arabia urges US attack on Iran to stop nuclear programme
• Israel prepared to attack alone to avoid its own 9/11
• Iranian bomb risks 'Middle East proliferation, war or both'
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has repeatedly urged the United States to attack Iran to destroy its nuclear programme, according to leaked US diplomatic cables that describe how other Arab allies have secretly agitated for military action against Tehran.
The revelations, in secret memos from US embassies across the Middle East, expose behind-the-scenes pressures in the scramble to contain the Islamic Republic, which the US, Arab states and Israel suspect is close to acquiring nuclear weapons. Bombing Iranian nuclear facilities has hitherto been viewed as a desperate last resort that could ignite a far wider war.
US embassy cables leak sparks global diplomacy crisis
• Diplomats ordered to spy on allies as well as enemies
• Hillary Clinton leads frantic 'damage limitation'
The United States was catapulted into a worldwide diplomatic crisis today, with the leaking to the Guardian and other international media of more than 250,000 classified cables from its embassies, many sent as recently as February this year.
At the start of a series of daily extracts from the US embassy cables - many of which are designated "secret" – the Guardian can disclose that Arab leaders are privately urging an air strike on Iran and that US officials have been instructed to spy on the UN's leadership.
The US embassy cables: The Wikileaks documents
Washington requests personal data on Hamas
More on this story
US spying on UN secretary general
• Diplomats ordered to gather intelligence on Ban Ki-moon
• Secret directives sent to more than 30 US embassies
• Call for DNA data, computer passwords and terrorist links -
Cable: Washington requests biometric information for African leaders
Cable: Washington calls for intelligence on top UN officials
Cable: Washington calls for intelligence on 'Bulgarian government corruption'
Cable: Washington worries that Paraguay harbours Iranian agents and Islamist terrorists
Cable: Washington launches intelligence trawl in West Sahara states
Cable: How to handle a defector - a how-to guide for embassy staff
Wikileaks currently under a mass distributed DOS ( denial of service) attack
"We are currently under a mass distributed denial of service attack," it said on its Twitter feed earlier.
It added that several newspapers will go ahead and publish the documents released to them by Wikileaks even if the site goes down.
The US state department has said the release will put many lives at risk.
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has said the US authorities are afraid of being held to account.
Bill to declare Jerusalem capital of the Jewish people!!
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WEST BANK: Israel bulldozes Fayyad’s Freedom Road
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Israel's contribution to the Hariri Tribunal
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Bad Intentions: New Jerusalem Settlements and the Prospects for Peace
Read more-huffingtonpost
Obama Surrenders Palestinian Rights (He can't!)
Read more-counterpunch
Turkish-Israeli realions not getting any better
A large group of Turkish businesspeople were expected to participate in the Tel Aviv meeting. Israeli Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor Binyamin "Fuad" Ben Eliezer was to deliver the opening remarks of the Council meeting.
Weapons stolen by Israel from the PLO, trasferred to anti-American elements
Recently declassified Pentagon documents reveal a strange, not to say illicit, 1980s operation called 'Tipped Kettle,' in which weapons stolen by Israel from the PLO in Lebanon were transferred to the Contras and to anti-American elements in Iran
Read more-haaretz
Forget it! They will NEVER forget!
Aerial photographs taken by first world war German pilots are combined with mandate-era and Israeli maps supplemented by digitally enhanced satellite images that record old tribal boundaries, neighbourhoods and even individual buildings. Most striking are the hundreds of Arab villages that were destroyed or ploughed under fields, as well as postwar Jewish settlements and suburbs. The Abu Sitta family lands, for example, are now owned by Kibbutz Nirim, near the border with Gaza.
Read more-The Guardian
Israel destroys. Amnesty condems..This balances that!
“We condemn these repeated demolitions that aim to forcibly evict the residents of al-‘Araqib from the land they have on lived for generations,” said Philip Luther, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa. “The fact that the village has been demolished seven times in four months shows that this is not some administrative mistake but a conscious Israeli government policy of dispossession.”
A train will run through
A new plan for a train line linking central Israel to settlements deep in the West Bank... The project was quickly denounced by a spokesman for the Palestinian government in the West Bank. "This shows not only Israel's short-term illegal activities in terms of settlement expansion, but its long-term planning and execution of colonial projects that aim at nothing less than ending the two-state solution," Husam Zomlot said. A different Israeli train project, a new fast rail line from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, has also angered Palestinians because the route veers into the West Bank. That line is already under construction.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Salon.com:The 30 media top hacks
The War Room Hack Thirty is a list of our least favorite political commentators, newspaper columnists and constant cable news presences, ranked roughly (but only roughly) in order of awfulness and then described rudely. Criteria for inclusion included writing the same column every week for 30 years, warmongering, joyless repetition of conventional wisdom, and making bad puns.
The Hack Thirty
4. David Broder
5. Marty Peretz
8. Maureen Dowd
10. Peggy Noonan
11. George Will
12. John Fund
13. Roger Simon
14. David Ignatius
15. Mort Zuckerman
16. Michael Barone
17. Bill Kristol
18. Tina Brown
19. Joe Klein
20. Howard Fineman
21. S.E. Cupp
22. Tucker Carlson
23. Howard Kurtz
24. Dana Milbank
25. Mickey Kaus
26. Jeffrey Goldberg
27. Pat Caddell
28. Andrew Malcolm
29. Matt Bai
30. David Brooks
How Israel and the US hope to destroy Hezbollah
Frank Lamb
BEIRUT — “I’ve got these [expletive deleted] just where we want them Maura! Watch the 1000 slow cuts as we shred Hezbollah–who do they think they are? And we’ll do it by using 1757 and this time we’re going all the way. I told Israel to stay out of Lebanon because the IDF can’t fight against Hezbollah plus the whole region would burn. I will handle this and it will be my Christmas present to Lebanon,” so said Jeffrey Feltman in a conversation with his former office staffer, now US Ambassador to Lebanon, Maura Connelly, during an October 17, 2010 visit to MP Walid Jumblatt at his Clemenceau residence.
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(Thanks Samer)
Hebron massacre remembered:16 years ago terrorist Goldstein murders 29 Palastinians
Sixteen years ago, during the holy month of Ramadan, an attacker opened fire in the Ibrahimi Mosque in the West Bank, killing 29 people and injuring 125 others.
The assailant was an Israeli settler, the victims all Palestinians, but Israel's reponse to the tragedy has resulted in more restrictions on Muslim worshippers.
Today, Palestinian worshippers still flock to mark Ramadan in defiance of Israeli restrictions, in an attempt to challenge the settlers' grip on the area. Even though this does not change the reality on the ground.
Al Jazeera's Nisreen El-Shamayleh reports from Hebron, in the occupied West Bank.
Friday, November 26, 2010
BBC puts mosque between quotation marks (The Angry Arab)
"Israel razes West Bank 'mosque'" If an Arab puts a "synagogue" between quotation marks, cries of anti-Semitic would follow and the ADL would call on the UN Security Council to convene.
The Angry Arab
Via the Angry Arab
Israel is effectively a single-party state
The totalitarianism gaining the upper hand in our lives - which is mostly of a racist character - has to do with the fact that between Kadima ("center-left" ) and Yisrael Beiteinu on the extreme right there is really no difference. The disappearance of Meretz and the racist ignoring of the Arab public of voters and its representatives in the Knesset are underlining even further how close Israel is to being a single-party state. This used to be called "consensus," now it is broader agreement on most issues. Beyond minuscule differences of opinion among the political parties, we are in effect ruled by a single party, the State Party, with its branches: Likud-Mizrahi (Jews of Middle Eastern descent ), Likud-Russian, Likud-career officers and Labor, Likud-ultra-Orthodox and Likud in its two "authentic" embodiments: Kadima and Likud. This is the context of the loyalty laws and the open season on Balad MK Hanin Zuabi.
Read more-Haaretz
Junk Security: ‘Naked Scanners’ Won’t Keep Us Safe
In May, Transportation Security Administration screener Rolando Negrin pummeled a co-worker with his government-issued baton. The feud began, according to a Miami-Dade Police Department report, after Mr. Negrin’s training session with one of the agency’s whole-body imagers. The scan “revealed [Mr. Negrin] had a small penis,” the disgruntled co-worker told police. After a few months, he “could not take the jokes any more and lost his mind.”
Now the TSA is rolling out these ultra-revealing imagers across the country in an attempt to uncover hidden threats like the so-called underwear bomb found on a Detroit-bound flight last Christmas.
The agency and the scanners’ manufacturers insist they’ve installed features and instituted procedures that will make passenger embarrassments impossible. But the larger question is whether the TSA’s tech-centric approach to security makes any sense at all.
U.K. Jewish leader's rebuke of Netanyahu sparks ire of British Zionists
A top leader in the British Jewish community stirred a wave of strong reactions this week among the U.K. Jewish community, after publically criticizing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the waning peace talks and insisting that the Anglo-Zionists begin to voice their opinions on the matter.
Mick Davis, chairman of the UJIA and executive of the Jewish Leadership Council, warned in front of more than 160 people at the London Jewish Cultural Center that Israel could become an apartheid stateunless there was a two-state solution with the Palestinians, "because we then have the majority going to be governed by the minority".
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Israel, U.S. tense as WikiLeaks set to release classified bilateral communiques
The United States Embassy in Tel Aviv has informed the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem that the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks was planning on releasing hundreds of thousands of American diplomatic cables, some of which might deal with Israel-America relations.
| The Americans said they wanted to let the Israeli government know so it would not be surprised and would be prepared for publicity that might cause diplomatic embarrassment. A senior Israeli official familiar with the contents of the message, who asked to remain anonymous because of the sensitivity of the matter, said that according to the Americans, the WikiLeaks material includes diplomatic cables sent to Washington from American embassies throughout the world. Sources in Washington said the documents would be coming out soon, perhaps even today. |
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thanksgiving: The only thing we have learned from history is that we have not learned from history.

Hegel said "The only thing we have learned from history is that we have not learned from history" and as I sit here waiting for my Turkey and watch the Lions lose again, I am reminded that we have not learned anything from the crime perpetrated against the native people. True I can not bring them back, I can not change the past, I can not undo the native American genocide, but I know that what is happening today in Palestine is what happened to the native Americans 500 years ago.
Israel demolishes mosque in the Jordan valley
Israeli forces have demolished a mosque and several other buildings in the northern Jordan valley.
They say the structure was built without a permit but residents say the mosque was built before 1967 and was recently renovated.
The Palestinian government has condemned the action as state destruction, while Israel continues to fight for Israeli settlers.
Al Jazeera's Nour Odeh reports from the Jordan Valley.
Poll: Majority oppose body scans, nearly half seek alternative to flying
Read more-rawstory.com
Application for Lower Manhattan Revitalization Funds Sparks More Unfounded Hysteria Over Park 51,
First, opponents of Park 51 were fretting about non-existent foreign money linked to the project. Now, they’re coming out in opposition to the possibility of federal funds going towards the center. The New York papers today are amplifying Pamela Geller’s latest attempt to stoke opposition to the Islamic community center in lower Manhattan. In typical fashion, the New York Post‘s headline reads: “GZ mosque in 9/11 cash grab.”
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Egypt/Ethipia Tension
ABU DHABI/CAIRO, Nov 23 (Reuters) - Egypt said it was "amazed" by Ethiopia's suggestion on Tuesday that Cairo might turn to military action in a row over the Nile waters, saying it did not want confrontation and was not backing rebels there. Egypt, Ethiopia and seven other countries through which the river passes have been locked in more than a decade of contentious talks driven by anger over the perceived injustice of a previous Nile water treaty signed in 1929.
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There is incoming information about the intention of the settlers to expand in Silwan especially in al Farouq neighborhood, expelling the Palestinians from their houses. Al-Farouq neighborhood is located near Jabal al-Mukabber and has the most charming view of the valley. Its name is referred to by Khalifah (Omar Bin al khattab) who visited it. It is located in the southern side of Silwan, it’s also one of the targeted neighborhoods because it is in the Holy Basin project. The Palestinian owners of the lands cannot use them under the pretext that these lands are protected under the provisions of the Israeli nature and parks authority. It is seemed to be that this is a start of preparing a new settlement project in this neighborhood.
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Jewish settlers move into house after Israeli police evict Palestinian family
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Israel erases Palestinian village of Abul Ajaj from map
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Texas Gov: US Should Consider Invading Mexico
Speaking today on MSNBC, Texas Governor Rick Perry said the United States ought to consider a military invasion of his neighbor to the south, Mexico, arguing that it was needed to fight the drug war as well as to secure the border between the two nations.
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How about invading Canada too? It leaves many Americans cold!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Ex-AIPAC official threatens to uncover mass spying at Israel lobby
Read more-rawstory
Racism in Israel: Ethiopian Jews victims too
Worker curses boy at entrance to ritual bath, calling him 'stinking black person,' then follows him home and physically attacks his family. 'I slapped him but good,' he tells police
The discrimination and deprivation felt by the Ethiopian community has reached ritual baths: A Bnei Brak resident barred a 13 year old Ethiopian teen from going into the mikveh recenty, claiming the boy was a "stinking kushi" (a derogatory Hebrew term for black people). He then hit the boy, his brother and his aunt.
The boy arrived at the mikveh two weeks ago to undergo the ritual purification ceremony, but was met by an employee who would not let him pass.
The worker verbally attacked him, saying "don't come in, you stink, you're a stinking kushi". When the teen refused to back down, the man took hold of him and punched him in the face
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BDS: Open letter from Besieged Gaza to Michel Platini and UEFA: Reverse Apartheid Israel’s Participation in European Competitive
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One by one, Americans awaken
Read more-mondoweiss
Mustafa Barghouti decorated with the Insignia of Officer of the French Legion of Honour,
Bernard Kouchner delivered on Monday 15th of November during an official ceremony at the Quai d'Orsay, the Insignia of Officer of the Legion of Honour to Mustafa Barghouti, President of the Palestinian Medical Relief Society. This decoration demonstrates the support of France to the determined action of this well known Palestinian figure in favour of peace and defence of Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories.
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Jewish settlers set fire to girls school while expanding Rahalim settlement
NABLUS, (PIC)-- As Jewish settlers spent Sunday morning digging up hundreds of dunums of land in the south Nablus region of Sawiya to expand the Rahalim settlement, Nablus lawmaker Yasser Mansur warned that the expansion of illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank was on the rise.
39 settlements have been erected in the city of Nablus alone, accommodating 20,000 Jewish settlers.
“Occupation forces encourage these crimes with prior planning and with full protection for [Jewish] settlers and their abuse against the Palestinian citizens and amidst continued official Palestinian and Arab silence over these crimes that paves the way for more of them,” Mansur said addressing the media Sunday.
He added that the residents of the new residents of the settlement are just like other settlement residents: extremists who wage on the property of Palestinians continuous acts of vandalism, the latest of which was an arson of a classroom in the Sawiya girls school.
Settlers unlawfully seized hundreds of dunums of land in the area along the Rahalim settlement outpost belonging to a number of local families inside the village of Sawiya. The Abu Dola, Abu Saalih, Abu Shahein, Al-Beik, and Hajj Sulaiman families were some of the households who lost land in the process.
Read moreSettlers make water sources a tourist site and bar Palestinians from entering
Springwater continues to be vital to Palestinian farmers, but recently, at the settlers' initiative, many springs on the other side of the Green Line have been turned into tourism sites from which the Palestinians are barred. Hebrew-language signs have been posted near many springs; some places have become memorial sites for settlers killed in terror attacks or during military service.
Brown signs dot Samaria's roads bearing the Hebrew name of a nearby spring. This name is likely to appear on the Springs Route's site list on a tourist map of local councils such as Mateh Binyamin in southern Samaria.
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Israeli authorities raze Araqib village for the seventh time
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Plan to eject 100,000 Palestinians from Jerusalem
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Knesset to vote on bill outlawing Palestinians from living in '48-occupied land
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2 state-solution officially dead..
"I just finished watching a live transmission of the Knesset vote on the referendum law. The law, which passed at a majority of 65 to 33, conditions any Israeli withdrawal from any of its territory – into which Israel, alone in the world, includes the Golan Heights East Jerusalem – on passing a nation-wide referendum. To overrule the law, the Knesset would need a privileged majority of 80 out of 120 parliamentarians. Considering current and foreseeable trends in the public mood, overwhelming support for withdrawing from East Jerusalem – including the Old City, Gilo, Ramot Eshkol, and others – is highly unlikely."
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Monday, November 22, 2010
Testimony on 1948 by Palmach fighter Amnon Neumann
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Bradley Burston: Flirting with arrest at Jerusalem's newest settlement
Read more-haaretz
The Jewish National Fund (JNF) supported by the evangelicals is foresting (and ethnic cleansing) the Negev
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Sunday, November 21, 2010
Congressional letter urges Obama to release Israeli spy Pollard
"Letter signed by 39 Democrats says Pollard "has served a sufficient time from standpoint of either punishment or deterrence ... In comments at a press conference late Thursday, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said he initiated the letter, written in coordination with a broad array of Jewish groups, mostly out of humanitarian concerns for the convicted Israeli spy, imprisoned 25 years, but also as a spur in the peace process."
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Welfare funding runs out in Iraq
Read more-commondreams.org
Gideon Levy: Israeli press is censoring the truth away
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How could Obama have agreed to all these 'understandings' with Netanyahu? / Yossi Sarid
Read more-haaretz
Former US envoy to Israel: Washington will regret its settlement freeze bribe
Read more-haaretz
And now kosher buses!! What's next?
The High Court of Justice will not ban gender segregation on haredi bus routes, and is likely to accept the Transport Ministry's recommendation to make the separation between sexes voluntary rather than compulsory, Justice Elyakim Rubinstein said Sunday.In line with the recommendation, Transportation Ministry officers will monitor buses serving the ultra-Orthodox population to make sure that no violence against female passengers takes place.
Turkey wary of Nato missile shield
Read more-aljazeera.net
A 91-year-old shepherd, killed alongside 29 or 30 sheep, was called a militant by IDF
One of the most important stories we've picked up in the last few months is B'Tselem's report that every other day a Palestinian noncombatant is killed in the occupied territories, on average ... This lesson is underscored by a superb report by Jared Malsin at Ma'an [see next article] on three killings in Gaza in September. A 91-year-old shepherd is visited in the fields one afternoon by his grandson and another teenage boy, who bring a chicken. They grill the chicken, then the boys help the old man with his sheep in lands close to the Israeli border. And then the shells begin to land, and they hustle back to the barn. All three are killed-- and 29 of 30 sheep.
Read more-mondoweiss
Soldiers beat and humiliate Salfit farmer
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The neighbours from hell: The Bat Ayn settlement
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Thousands of settler squatters converge on Jerusalem to protest US freeze proposal
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Israeli squatters begin expanding settlement near Nablus
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Saturday, November 20, 2010
My hero, Abraham Sarfati (As'ad Abu Khalil)
"The Arab world, and the international left, lost a great man this week. The Moroccan leftist dissident, Abraham Sarfati. This wonderful great person suffered unspeakable torture in the regime of Hasan II in Morocco. While the King was prostrating before successive Israeli leaders who helped him to stay in power, he was attacking Sarfati in his press, and even resorting to anti-Semitic language against him. Sarfati never wavered: in his stance against the cruel regime or in his firm opposition to Israel's existence. People don't even know the services that he had rendered to Palestinian armed struggle: the regime of Muhammad II knew about it, and punished him (on behalf of Israel) for it. He is a model Arab citizen: a model international leftist. Not a word about him in the international press."
R.I.P Abraham...
BDS: DePaul University divests from Israeli hummus product
Today marks another win for the global boycott, divestment, sanctions (BDS) movement against corporations that profit from severe human rights violations. Chicago’s very own DePaul University just announced that their dining services will be discontinuing the sale of hummus manufactured by Sabra, an Israeli brand known for its vocal and material support of Israeli Defense Forces. The administration has temporarily suspended the sale of Sabra products and will likely move towards permanently banning the brand from campus.
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Friday, November 19, 2010
Helen Thomas gets standing 0vation from 500 as Sam Donaldson declares her the ‘best ever’
(Via Mondoweiss)
Six injured in Israel attack on Gaza
Four people, including two women, were injured after an Israeli plane targeted a home in the central town of Deir al-Balah, a Press TV correspondent reported on Friday.
Two others were injured in an Israeli airstrike in the southern town of Khan Yunis.
Israeli warplanes also attacked Gaza City earlier in the day .There were no immediate reports of casualties.
The Israeli military confirmed the attacks, saying the airstrikes were carried out after mortars were fired into southern Israel from the besieged Palestinian territory, which caused no damage
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Breaking news: Attack on Gaza
GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Six Gaza residents were injured Friday in when Israeli forces launched three air strikes on the coastal enclave, medics said.
The Israeli military confirmed the strikes in a statement, and said the attacks targeted "terror sites" in the Strip, adding that "direct hits were identified."
The strikes targeted sites in the southern and central Gaza Strip. Four were injured in a strike on Deir Al-Balah, where shelling targeted a two-storey home. The injured, who included two women, were transferred to hospital, Gaza medical services spokesman Adham Abu Salmiyya said.
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Haaretz editorial: Racism under cover of the Torah
Read more-haaretz
This racist's salary is paid for by our taxes / Didi Remez
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Israeli MK Dichter cancels participation in Madrid Coalition peace conference for fear of arrest
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German photographer Kai Wiedenhöfer exhibition - aftermath of Cast Lead in Gaza
Exhibition of Kai Wiedenhöfer at the Musée d´Art Moderne de la ville de Paris. Interview with France 3. [Warning: many photos horrifying. Israel National News says that there is no mention of this exhibition on the museum's website, and that appears to be true, though it is mentioned elsewhere. A large Jewish group in France has objected to the exhibition, and the museum's director seems to have claimed no responsibility for housing it.]
BDS: 5 Australian unions support BDS of Israel
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BDS: British boycott campaigners target Israeli string quartet
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New Yorkers protest fundraising cruise for illegal Hebron settlements
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Thursday, November 18, 2010
Israel’s Toxic Chemical Factories Giving Cancer to West Bank Residents
“The industrial zones are built on hilltops, their wastewater flowing down to Palestinian villages in the valleys. Factories also burn their waste and leave it in Palestinian agricultural land”, Kifaya states. Barkan, the largest industrial settlement in the West Bank, housing one hundred chemical factories, and Ariel are devastating Salfit, in the northern West Bank. “Salfit’s once beautiful Qana Valley has been polluted by these factories”, Kifaya says. Brukeen, one of Salfit’s surrounding villages, suffers from the polluting effects of the Ariel industrial settlement, namely in the high levels of cancer reported there.
Fathi Nasser, spokesman of the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions, told us “20km to the West of Nablus a settlement has started a dump very close to the water source for the wider Nablus area, which it will likely pollute”. Nablus authorities have protested but to no avail, environmental laws in the Palestinian Territories being ineffective here. A court declared an oil-producing factory near Nablus hazardous for the environment and ordered it to close. The owner was able to ignore this order, being inside Area C.
Settlements Wiping Out Natural Life in the Jordan Valley
- The path of Wadi Auja spring, now dry.
Before their lives were restricted and devastated by the occupation they usually held two locations (one for the winter months and one for the summer months). They relied on their flocks of sheep and goats that they grazed in the wide open areas around the two locations. They also raised pigeons and chickens and occasionally planted crops.....
.....While Bedouin life was difficult, it was a life that functioned in harmony with nature for thousands of years. Their generousity and kindness to strangers is legendary. Disputes were mostly solved by traditional tribal laws. The fields were not overgrazed and nature was left unspoiled. Tranquillity prevailed as Mubarak told me in the evening after a very hard day of work in the fields. The best time was to sit after a meal, drink strong sweet tea seasoned with wild mint surrounded by loved ones and look at clear skies dotted with brilliant stars.
The deadly lie of democracy in Iraq
An Iraqi boy in a music school that has not been restored since it was destroyed during the US-led war on Iraq. |
"It has been almost a million months since Iraqis ran to the polls, to fill holes in their souls with bloodstained ballots. Hundreds of candidates dressed up as maggots colored the liberal lining in occupied skies, and perpetuated the lies that there is democracy. Hypocrisy of the highest order, politicians blaming their failure on porous borders, while blindly following American orders on everything from defense to education. The death of a nation, systematic assassination and relentless dehumanization of millions of people. The burning of mosques, schools, hospitals and steeples for crumbs of rotten bread. Iraq is dead, shot in the heart and stabbed in the head." -- Excerpt from a new spoken word piece entitled, "Unfinished Letters from Iraq."
Prior to the parliamentary elections in Iraq on 7 March of this year, all the major political factions running in the country's nationwide elections declared the entire affair to be corrupt and not representative of the people's will. They were preemptively cooking an excuse for any unwanted results that might emerge out of the charade. Independent reports corroborated their suggestions with testimonies of fake registration forms and leaky ballot boxes. However, the elections went through, and the results were applauded by other fake democracies around the world. Since then a constipated coalition-building process has left Iraq with no government for more than eight months.
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San Francisco may propose to ban circumcision next year; measure would outlaw 'genital mutilation'
A man in San Francisco is proposing a measure that would make it illegal for parents to circumcise their baby boys.
The initiative would make it a misdemeanor to circumcise, excise, cut or mutilate the genitals of a minor under 18, punishable with a fine of up to $1,000 or up to one year in jail, California's KGPE-TV reported.
The proposal's author, Lloyd Shofield, said that a man should decide whether or not he wants to be circumcised and that the decision should not be made by anyone else.
"It's genital mutilation," Schofield told KCBS-TV. "It's a man's body and...his body doesn't belong to his culture, his government, his religion or even his parents. It's his decision."
Supporters of male circumcision say it leads to better hygiene. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has not come out for or against the practice, but statistics show that the practice has become less popular among parents.
The CDC reported that 32% of boys underwent circumcision in 2009, down from 56% in 2006, according to The New York Times.
Voters in San Francisco aren't certain to get an opportunity to cut out circumcision; Schofield needs to round up more than seven thousand signatures for the initiative to make it onto the ballot next November.