Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What US media hides from its citizens. The process of land theft in stages

Palestinian farmers have lived on the land for hundreds of years, but the Zionists want them to leave. They issue "stop work" orders so that the land will not be cultivated. If the land is not cultivated, then Israel uses an old Ottoman law that says if the land is not cultivated, it becomes "state property" and it is given to Jews. Imagine that -- an army makes you stop working your own farm, then says, "Oh, you're not working your farm, so it's ours now."

When Palestinians object to this plan, they have choices:

1) Legal route: Spend hundreds of thousands of shekels to file a claim to the land in Israeli court. Poor farmers don't have this money. Even if they did, they must locate and hire an Israeli lawyer because Palestinian lawyers are not given a permit to work in Israel. The Palestinian farmer cannot travel to the court without a permit, which takes months to receive.

2) Keep working the land: The army will find a way to punish the farmer. They will shoot holes in the farmer's water cistern, which is expensive to replace and the army will continue shooting each new one. Electricity cuts, blocking the roads with boulders, looking the other way when settlers physically harass the farmer and his family.

3) Throw stones: As soon as the farmer and other villagers throw stones (their only weapon), they are deemed a "security threat", the land is now called a "closed military zone", many soldiers arrive, a sniper tower is built, a gate is put across the road and everyone in the village is punished because one farmer tried to prevent the confiscation of his only means of making a living.

4) Peaceful protests: March with the villagers toward the sniper tower and gate holding signs and singing songs. The army sprays these protestors with skunk water and shoots them with teargas. Sometimes they shoot peaceful protestors, injuring and even killing them (shooting in the head is very common).

So -- who is the terrorist? The US borrows and awards this behavior every year in a lump sum of 3 billion dollars. END US aid to Israel NOW.

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