Monday, February 4, 2013

Homeless in Kabul, Afghanistan

The belligerence in this homeless child’s face is one of the few heartening things coming out of the US-NATO war against Afghanistan. The Afghan people have been vilified by the US-NATO propaganda machine but their resistance against all odds is a remarkable testimony to the human demand for freedom from tyranny. And we’re not talking Taliban!

Soon enough Ben Affleck will be directing a film to show the righteousness of military occupation--& he’ll be winning the Leni Riefenstahl award for outstanding achievement in propaganda. But the occupation of Afghanistan is an abomination. The antiwar movement is weak now & cannot render the international solidarity required to end this barbarous occupation. The only way to change that is for men & women around the world to join with our Afghan brothers & sisters in demanding US-NATO out of Afghanistan!  (Photo by Aref Karimi/AFP/Getty Images)

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