Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The screening of an Israeli film in Australian Parliament House has been postponed amid heightened tensions between Australia and Israel.

"Israel's ambassador was summoned to Parliament House last week in a rare test of the usually solid bilateral relationship.

Now a screening of the Israeli film Noodle, scheduled to be shown in Parliament House on March 15, has been postponed.

The screening was arranged by the Israeli ambassador, Yuval Rotem, and by the Australia Israel Parliamentary Friendship Group. The evening was billed as "a celebration of Israeli culture" and was to include a reception.


  1. <span>
    <p>“a celebration of Israeli culture”.
    A curious beast.
    Ethnic cleansing as a way of life; sassacres as an ego-building exercise.
    Sadism on an industrial scale; the construction of a propaganda machine of misinformation unparalleled in history.
    Presumably vomit bags will be on supply at the screening.

  2. Don't forget the falafel, the Hummus and the keffiyeh all part of the Israeli culture now...

  3. :LOL:

    Why did you mention them. Now I want to eat falafel, Hunnus, Keffiyeh. :(

  4. I doubt you would appreciate the keffeyeh, it's most probably tasteless. It's a scarf the Palestinian wear on the head..

  5. Off topic, I know ( although it is about a film!), but this really is well done. Also click on The Making of Nuit Blanche. Fascinating.

    Nuit Blanche
