Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ex U.S. army colonel to make anti-war speech at University of Toronto

TORONTO — A retired U.S. Army colonel who is now a peace activist is finally going to speak today at the University of Toronto's International Student Centre.

Ann Wright plans to talk about her stand against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.


  1. Many Americans are so stupid.

    Does Ann Write support violent attacks against the Iraqi Government and the Iraqi Security Forces?

    Does Ann Write support violent attacks against the Afghan Government and the Afghan National Security Forces?

    Such extremely stupid racist Americans (that support violent attacks against other democratic free countries) should get medical treatment.

  2. <span>anan, how do you know she supports violent  attacks on bla bla bla? Or are you just presuming? 
    I call this despicable procedure, building a straw man argument.  This is unacceptable and you routinely do it.. You have a brain of a 5 years old child but you keep calling people stupid! Amazing!</span>

  3. <span>retired U.S. Army colonel who is now a peace activist 
    Does this suggest that she supports the violent attacks you're assuming? Does this suggest she's an " extremely stupid racist American" as you contend?

  4. Don't know for sure that <span>Ann Write is one of the stupid Americans. By the way, there are stupid Colonels in the US military also.</span>

    TGIA, is it to much to ask people to support the Iraqi Government its Iraqi Army; even if they don't like America and don't think the US military should train, fund, equip and advise the Iraqi Army?

    Nasrallah often praises the Iraqi Government and Iraqi Army. Nasrallah publicly condemns the resistance for attacking the Iraqi Government and Iraqi Army. Nasrallah isn't in the tank for America. If Nasrallah does this, why can't all global leftists?

  5. Yes,  and there is no one as stupid as you anan,  you will not be outdone.  Well,  maybe mini mojo,  you are in a dead heat lol

  6. <span><span>TGIA, is it to much to ask people to support the Iraqi Government its Iraqi Army;blah blah"</span>  
    Yes, It's. It's a puppet government , anyway dickhead why do you always empathise with the Iraqi Gov. and Army but never Iraqi civilians. racist zealot.</span>

  7. VAA, at least I don't serve Saudi Arabian royals and repeat their talking points.

    Is Sayyed Nasrallah a puppet too? How come he, and Ahmeninijad an Khamenei are such big public supporters of the Iraqi Government and Iraqi Army?

    How come every country on earth to my knowledge has since 2005 recognized the Iraqi Government as the sole fully legitimate government of Iraq.

    About 77% or 78% of all eligible Iraqi voters voted in the last national election on 12.15.2005.

    If non Iraqi Sunni Arabs hate the leaders the Iraqis voted for (Sayyed Nasrallah and Sayyed Ali Khamenei publicly sing about their love for Iraqi leaders), that is there problem; not Iraq's.

    Be careful, Iraq's Arab neighbors. If you don't shape up; the Iraqis have options . . . the Iraqis have power. They are building a powerful air force. The Iraqis bide their time for now; until they are stronger. Once the Iraqis are stronger . . . oh Arabs you had best be careful . . . very careful.

  8. You know what's sad. If the neo Baa3thi Mutlaq wins in Sunday's Iraqi national election. VAA would be the first one composing poetry praising his beloved Mutlaq.

    non Iraqi non Palestinian Arabs are such hypocrits. If they like who Iraqis vote for; they are Gods; otherwise they are evil.

    Well, VAA, the Iraqi voters are on to you, and your pals (Saudi Royals, other Gulf Royals, Jordanian/Syrian/Egyptian dictators.) You don't get to decide who rules Iraq. Iraqis do.

  9. <span><span>Well, VAA, the Iraqi voters are on to you, and your pals (Saudi Royals, other Gulf Royals, Jordanian/Syrian/Egyptian dictators.)</span> 
    You're clearly stepping over the line and beyond here! You  know squat shit about  VAA but you're assuming he supports the Saudis and all.You don't have to make a lie based on assumoption to build an argument..That's cheap and low...

  10. <span>Be careful, Iraq's Arab neighbors. If you don't shape up; the Iraqis have options . . . the Iraqis have power. They are building a powerful air force. The Iraqis bide their time for now; until they are stronger. Once the Iraqis are stronger . . . oh Arabs you had best be careful . . . very careful.</span>
    Powerful argument..I'm convinced..Threats always work wonderfully...

  11. Speaking of puppets,  I think anan is one.  the strings run from his ass to his mouth,  that is why you can never tell whether he is talking or passing

  12. Why is VAA supporting the Saudis in Iraq? The Saudis put a boatload of money into the 2005 elections and didn't do that great. As a result Saudi propoganda tried the create the notion that the elected Iraqi government was illegitimate; but KSA failed because most people in the world regard the GoI as legitimate.

    Why does VAA keep spouting the Saudi line on Iraq?

    BTW, VAA, you are out of date. It looks like KSA and Iran are close to a deal on the nuclear issue and Iraq.

    Iran is supporting the Saudi candidate Allawi (Iran told Hakim, Talabani, Chalabi and Muqtada to support Allawi.)

    Looks like they might win on Sunday. If so; then viola; the Arab media will suddenly be pro Iraqi Government. Disgraceful.

  13. TGIA, will the Arabs ever leave Iraqis in peace unless the Arabs are scared of the Iraqi Army?

    Arabs sent thousands of suicide bombers to mass murder Iraqis. Now they aren't sending nearly as many. Why? Maybe because they are scared of the Iraqi Army?

  14. <span>If the neo Baa3thi Mutlaq wins in Sunday's Iraqi national election. VAA would be the first one composing poetry praising his beloved Mutlaq. </span>
    I'm sure he will write a beautiful ode..If you tell him who this Mutlaq gentleman is.

  15. Mutlaq is Iraq's most prominent Baa3thist who contests elections. His party has won a significant share of the vote in several election since 2005.

    Saddam's old die hard supporters in Iraq . . . they vote for Mutlaq.

  16. <span>That was sarcasm anan. I doubt VAA gives a s..t about Mutlaq anyway..

  17. <span> "I doubt VAA gives a s..t about Mutlaq anyway.." </span>
    Who is she ?

  18. ZID
    Yeah. I read all your Bullshit . But it still a puppet Gov.

  19. VAA, in your mind 28 million Iraqis are puppets. Shame on you! Shame on your sectarianism and your racism.

    From your words, no matter who the Iraqi people elect as their leaders, your hatred and jealousy of the Iraqi people, their elected leaders, and the valiant Iraqi Army will be undimmed.

    VAA, maybe the only solution is for Iraq to spend $100 billion on a modern air force. Perhaps the only thing that non Iraqi Sunni Arabs will understand is Iraqi steel.

    Only when the Iraqis are far more successful, freer, more democratic and more respected around the world than the rest of the Arab world . . . only then will you mind open.

    Why are non Iraqi and non Palestinian Arabs so cruel?

  20. Their rights have been robbed
    <span>"Among those barred are 'the No. 2 and No. 3 candidates in the main opposition bloc, the Iraqi Nationalist Movement, which is led by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi [a secular Shia]. Already, two members of Allawi's party have been assassinated while campaigning...Allawi, who many observers say had a credible chance of winning enough votes to lead a governing coalition after the election, has suspended his campaign" (Robert Dreyfuss, The Nation)</span><span></span>

  21. Stop calling this farce an election
    <span>"as the campaign gets underway for Iraq's March 7 elections, close to 500 candidates have been banned for alleged ties to the Baath Party by the Justice and Accountability Council, an unelected panel headed by an Iran-linked terrorist, Ali al-Lami." (Kim Kagan, The Wall Street Journal)</span>

  22. <p><span>anan has shit for brains </span>
    </p><p><span> </span>
    </p><p><span>“Saleh Mutlaq, who was banned from standing as a candidate, said his National Dialogue Front was withdrawing in protest at a “dirty tricks”campaign, thought to be masterminded by Iran and aimed at securing power for a Shia government...</span><span><span> </span></span><span>International observers have significantly lowered their expectations for the poll in recent days. Few diplomats in Baghdad now talk about “free and fair elections”, since they clearly won’t be. The new publicly stated goal is a “credible election”, but even that seems doubtful.” (Oliver August, The Times)</span><span></span></p>

  23. <span>VAA is not a Sunni anan!! Not that it matters but please stop the insanity of assuming what people are..It's vile, it's low and it's counterproductive </span>

  24. If VAA isn't sunni, then how can he dare call anyone the iraqi people elect as their leaders "puppets"?

    How dare he?

  25. <span><span>then how can he dare call anyone the iraqi people..</span> 
    <span>How dare he?</span> 
    You really sound like a child arguing in a playground!</span>

    It's not about daring, anan.. it's an opinion! You know, a point of view?!!!

  26. <span>"I<span>f VAA isn't sunni</span>, then how can he dare call anyone the iraqi people elect as their leaders "puppets"? "</span>
    IRAQI GOV. IS A PUPPET . Do I have to be Sunni to recognise the reality. 
    On the other hand, if Iraqi spend <span>$100 billion on a modern air force , then it ceases to be  a puppet Gov.But until then, It's a puppet. It's all about modern Air Force , what should we call them (Air Force) ? Lions ? nah.. I prefer Mules . Yes that's it the Flying Iraqi Mules.FIM.</span>
    Listen here dickhead . I have the utmost respect for the people of Iraq and non for the allotted Gov. puppets.

    You perceive and judge everyone through the prism of religion and nationality , that makes you the worst RACIST, SECTARIAN   ever existed.
    Now how is the research coming along ? lying bastard.

  27. Research on what questions?

    Please be specific.

    VAA, I am not sure I believe you. The Iraqi people have already voted several times in UN run or UN observed elections.

    Iraqi elections are mostly free and fair. The large majority of Iraqis believe this.

    VAA, the real dark truth is that many Arabs regard any elected leaders they disagree with as illegitimate devils and any elected leaders they agree with as angels.

    Let me repeat, 77% or 78% of all eligible Iraqi voters voted in 2005. Granted they voted for political leaders you hate VAA. But are 77% of all Iraqi eligible voters "puppets"? Puppets of whom?

    Your words are a direct attack on the character and integrity of Iraqis.

    VAA, why can't Iraqis disagree with you? Isn't it up to them?

    I really want Iraqis to make it. Do you?

  28. <span>Get Fucked imbecile.</span>

  29. Guest
    <span>"the strings run from his ass to his mouth,"</span>
    They're both one.
