Friday, March 12, 2010

Jewish group urges supermodel not to marry Leonardo DiCaprio, because he's not Jewish

Israel- Supermodel Bar Refaeli is one of Israel's most successful "exports." But with fame comes responsibility -- and now an Israeli organization is beseeching Refaeli not to wed Leonardo DiCaprio -- out of a responsibility to future generations.
"It is not by chance that you were born Jewish," wrote Baruch Marzel in a letter he sent Refaeli through her mother (and that promptly appeared in the press). "Your grandmother and her grandmother did not dream that one of their descendants would one day remove the family's future generations from the Jewish people. Assimilation has forever been one of the enemies of the Jewish people."
Los Angeles Times


  1. Spooky! This gent is privy to the dreams of Ms. Refaeli's ancestors.

  2. Can't a Jewish mother with a gentile father have Jewish children?

    Judaism is positive and uplifting faith. I like Jews. I also like their huge books. They not only have their holy passages; but they have commentaries on them. And then they have commentaries on the commentaries. Their large religious manuscripts are enormous. Jewish Rabbis are the ultimate academic scholars and geniuses. :)

  3. You're talking beside the point.

  4. This is all hacks from Israel are good for,  pretending to channel dead ancestors wishes.  If you really want to know the truth Bar cannot stand Israel,  she loathes it to no end.  I know this because she told me so. She will not marry DiCaprio,   she is actually going to marry me and we are going to move to Venezuela lol  :)    (All kidding aside,  the first two sentences are true)


  5. Obviously, many of her ancestors married non-Jews since she looks like that.  The ancient Hebrews didn't look German.
