Sunday, March 7, 2010

Gideon Levy: Israel does not want peace with Syria so let's tell the truth already.

Peace not wanted
Gideon Levy- Haaretz

Israel does not want peace with Syria. Let's take off all the masks we've been hiding behind and tell the truth for a change. Let's admit that there's no formula that suits us, except the ludicrous "peace for peace." Let's admit it to ourselves, at least, that we do not want to leave the Golan Heights, no matter what. Forget about all the palaver, all the mediations, all the efforts.

Let's face it, we don't want peace, we want to run wild, to paraphrase an Israeli pop song from the '70s. Don't bother us with new Syrian proposals, like the one published in Haaretz this week that calls for a phased withdrawal and peace in stages; don't pester us with talk about peace as a way to break up the dangerous link between Syria and Iran; don't tell us peace with Syria is the key to forging peace with Lebanon and weakening Hezbollah. Turkey isn't an "honest" broker, the Syrians are part of the axis of evil, all is quiet on the Golan - you know how much we love the place, its mineral waters, its wines - so who needs all the commotion of demonstrations and evacuating settlements, just for peace?


  1. For 8 March
    Join me on the bridge ! is a way by CODE PINK org to oppose the war see on my blog :
    20 March
    <span>All out for the March 20th March on Washington!<span>

  2. <span>Maybe, but.... many said Israel would never give up Gaza, too.</span>

  3. Good news:

    Officers: Pakistan arrests American-born al-Qaida

    By ASHRAF KHAN (AP) – <span>3 hours ago</span>

    KARACHI, Pakistan — Pakistani intelligence agents have arrested Adam Gadahn, the American-born spokesman for al-Qaida, in an operation in the southern city of Karachi, two officers and a government official said Sunday.

  4. vza
    Gaza was a nightmare in every sense for Israel. Sharon decided to evacuate it when he understood that it's not worth it and better focus on settling the West Bank... The Golan is a different story altogether. It's all good for an expansion addicted state..
