Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ultra Orthodox Jews spitting at Christians must stop

"Shocked by growing reports about Ultra-Orthodox Jews spitting at Christians in Jerusalem's Old City, a group of Anglo residents is now mobilizing against this ugly practice. Although such incidents reportedly have decreased since a council of Haredi rabbis issued an official condemnation in January in response to the public outcry, Christian and Jewish activists agree the problem is unlikely to disappear anytime soon."
You haven't seen anything yet..This spitting business is just the beginning!Tfouh!


  1. This really is despicable. Imagine having to be educated that spitting on people who have done nothing to you is wrong???????

  2. <span>Religious indoctrination has this perverted effect  in that it makes people do awful things to others when naturally born and brought up they'd be, at worst, just indifferent to them...</span>

  3. <span>What adds insult to injury here is that when  approaching their target to spit on they're all smiles untill they're close enough to spew their filth in the face of the unsuspecting..This simple deceptive manoeuvre says volumes about their hideous, deceptive, corrupted minds...</span>
