Saturday, March 13, 2010

Clinton: U.S. 'insulted' by Israel's settlement announcement

In an interview with CNN aired Friday night, United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Israel's announcement of new construction of homes in a Jewish neighborhood in East Jerusalem was "insulting" to the United States.

Earlier Friday, Clinton had telephoned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and expressed frustration over Israel's announcement on Tuesday of new settlement construction, a move that deeply embarrassed visiting U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and imperiled U.S. plans to launch indirect negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.
It'll pass! With that AIPAC opening ceremony approaching, it better be...

1 comment:

  1. Go Hillary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Hillary!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I always believed in you Gal. Well, not always. I did vote for the chosen one over you. But nicely done!!!!! Nicely said!!!!!!!!!!!

    It is about time America stands up for itself. We Americans can't let other countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel and Jordan kick us around.

    Israel had better be careful. America has a patriot as Secretary of State. Israel should do right by the Palestinians.
