Friday, February 12, 2010

Think tank: Israel faces global delegitimization campaign

Israel is facing a global campaign of delegitimization, according to a report by the Reut Institute, made available to the cabinet on Thursday. The Tel Aviv-based security and socioeconomic think tank called on ministers to treat the matter as a strategic threat.

The report cites anti-Israel demonstrations on campuses, protests when Israeli athletes compete abroad, moves in Europe to boycott Israeli products, and threats of arrest warrants for Israeli leaders visiting London.

Reut says the campaign is the work of a worldwide network of private individuals and organizations. They have no hierarchy or overall commander, but work together based on a joint ideology - portraying Israel as a pariah state and denying its right to exist.
Barucha, start packing. We're going back home to Kiev.

1 comment:

  1. They'll play it "safe" and attack both..They've always done it anyway. Any criticism of Israel is anti-Semitism. We know the tune.
