Friday, February 12, 2010

Is Israeli society strong enough to face the future?

"At the base of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's worldview is profound anxiety over Israel's future and its fortitude in the face of the threats surrounding it. Netanyahu is afraid that if Israelis are pressed hard enough, they will simply get up and flee, especially if presented with the material temptations of American society and its satellites. He is preoccupied with finding ways to salvage Israel's Zionist, educated, established skeleton from its pending collapse under the dual pressures of the increasingly strong ultra-Orthodox and Arab populations from within, and the threat of annihilation by Iran and its allies from without."
Colonialism is beyond it's use by date...


  1. America has satellites? Don't tell vza.

  2. Keep up the pressure, the cracks are beginning to appear.

  3. Isn't it clear? He views America as a lackey.

  4. <span>Amazing sentence! 
    "<span> Ben-Gurion, like Netanyahu, was profoundly worried about the fortitude of Israel's citizens, and gave high priority to archaeological excavations, which along with Bible study were meant to provide the basis for a shared historical consciousness in a modern nation of immigrants."</span> 
    It's an admission that archaeological research is used for ideological purposes!!! Exactly what many  were saying all along..There's no science and no research in that field if it doesn't provide justification for a "historical homeland".

  5. Actually I meant it the other way round, TG. One definition of satellite is "a country or political unit under the domination of a foreign power." It's use here implies the existence of an American empire, an idea vza finds rediculous.

  6. Ohhhhhhhh! You mean like the Marshall Islands? =-O
    Now I get it!

  7. I look at them more like hemorrhoids than satellites

  8. vza, it's your Zionist cronies who are referring to America's satellites.
    guest1, try Iraq, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Grenada. Try any country in the world that has US military bases (you count 'em). Try the UK, whose government makes no foreign policy decision without the go-ahead from Washington; whose government drags us into the US's shitty imperialist adventures against the will of its citizens. Try Israel (most favoured satellite), Jordan, Egypt. 

  9. My Zionist cronies? I see. You have made it all crystal clear! :-D
