Thursday, February 11, 2010

"Peaceful Palestinian resistance is paying off."

According to Antony Loewenstein, that is! ..Here:
He gives this example from Haaretz:
Work starts to reroute West Bank security fence(newspeak for separation wall) at Bil'in
Newly routed barrier will hand 700,000 square meters of agricultural land back to Palestinian village.
"Israel has begun work to reroute a section of its West Bank security barrier at Bil'in - two and a half years after the Supreme Court ordered the state to return land to Palestinian farmers, Army Radio reported on Thursday."

I have to admit that this is a step in the right direction. It certainly explains the crackdown on nonviolent protests and NGOs in an attempt to relieve the pressure and not concede any further..


  1. This is very good news indeed,  but they need to return ALL of the land,  including the 150,000 meters they are trying to retain.  In the Haaretz story I found this old line very interesting,  it is the verbal equivocation that was used in media during the civil rights demonstrations -

    <span>"Two activists have been killed in clashes with security forces..."  Note that it is a "clash,"  implying that the two attacked each other,  when nothing of the sort occurred - they were attacked by the Israeli military forces,  which were foundation of the watered down descriptive word - clash.

  2. This is what anan means when he says he's researching , actually he's asking for advises on MJT, and comes and asks for advises here. this just a glimpse of anan comments :

    Sorry for these off topic questions. 

    Is there any documented evidence that Hamas fighters in the Gaza war hid in Gazan civilian buildings?
    Did Hamas fighters use plain clothes during the war? Am I right that this is illegal under international law?
    Is there any evidence of Hamas intimidation of Gazan civilians during the Gaza war? The Goldstone report does not find any evidence of this kind
    This is how the game is played , anan post (Copy /Paste) B.S here from MJT site, then (Copy/Paste) comments from here onto  MJT , and the meantime "I'm researching"
    You really are a retard ZID.“radical-islam-is-a-way-for-the-superfluous-sons-to-enter-history”.php#comments

  3. And this is the response on MJT to anan's research:

    <span>"There is a reason why the Goldstone report was rejected by the US House of Representatives " as 'irredeemably biased'" and the vote wasn't even close: 344 to 36. 

    That report isn't worth the paper it is printed on."
    <span>Posted by: crosspatch at February 9, 2010 12:49 pm</span></span>

  4. I think that does it for me. I'm sick and tired of his antics.

  5. guest1
    I'm first If you don't mind,few of us have repeatedly asked that imbecile to supply his sources for all his lies, specifically "the human shield " issue and the Phantom war between Iraq/Syria were the the Iraqi army "Lions something " trashed the Syrian army and of course the "DU" which was caused by...BS BS BS  and not the tons of bombs that felled on the Iraqis 
    "Sources retard ". 
    BTW I know i'm wasting my time.

  6. <span>
    </p><p>For unknown reason ZID deleted his response to your comment which read " The MOJO is cool , he has his own blog .."
    </p><p>of which anan is a regular ass liker.
