Thursday, February 11, 2010

I (mistakingly) thought Amos Oz should know better!

" is incomprehensible to say that we came to colonize the land. Colonization meant the robbery of the colonized country, while we returned to a devastated and forsaken land. We returned to bring to it thousand times more than one could have expected to extract from it. We left the 'fleshpots' of Europe to settle in the sands and to drain the swamps."
- Amos Oz
But no! He peddles lies and myths like all his fellow citizens! Palestine was "devastated and forsaken land"! "Sands to settle" and swamps to drain"!!!
Look, I stopped believing in the possibility of living together with people who have so much "baggage" of filth and quackery!! Too much is too much!


  1. <span># of New Yorkers opposing ’special relationship’ with you-know-who jumps from 1/3 to 1/2 after just 90 minutes of exposure to facts 

  2. Amos has always been like this,  he is the liberal flip side of the same coin of Zionism.  A while back I posted a article of the disgusting nature of the left in Israel,  it goes well with this post -

    <span><span>"Soft-pedaling Israeli colonialism is nothing new -- as Israeli historian Ilan Pappe has noted, in 1948 a number of Zionist politicians condemned some isolated incidents among the widespread atrocities being perpetrated against the Palestinians. This, according to Pappe, was an attempt "by 'sensitive' Jewish politicians and soldiers to absolve their consciences," an "Israeli ethos that can best be described as 'shoot and cry.'"</span></span>

  3. Yes vza. 2 days ago, I posted it on ...the Palestinian Pundit..

  4. I wonder how much longer it's going to take before EVERYONE will be able to see (and shout) that the king is naked! Le roi est nu!

  5. <span>This result, according to Max Blumenthat on Mondo's, was achieved DESPITE the fact that Khalidi and partner performed rather "poorly"  (to a degree) in this debate. Can you imagine the result if they've been in top form ?

  6. <span>Rashid, at it seems was a bit on the defensive and was bugged down in professoral and technical explanations while the shameless hasbarists were following the motto, "if you want to lie, make it big"</span>

  7. Yes, I just read Blumenthal's piece. Khalidi may have been professorial, but look at the results. Just imagine is right. They need to stress the human stories about Palestinians losing their lands and dwellings, and uprooted olive trees, and those settler thugs attacking people and those beastly, ill-mannered little children throwing stones and kicking Palestinian women carrying babies while soldiers stand by and do nothing. Those are the things that will cause Americans to rethink this special relationship. You should have seen my elderly uncle's reaction when I told him about those things and showed him some videos. He was livid and disgusted.
