Saturday, March 13, 2010

Rachel Corrie's sister to Haaretz: U.S. encouraged family to sue Israel

"The witnesses, who include Rachel's colleagues in the left-wing International Solidarity Movement, say Rachel climbed atop a mount of dirt to be sure the driver could see her, Simpson said. When he nevertheless kept coming at her, she tried to flee, but tripped and fell. "The bulldozer driver kept driving with the blade down, pushing the dirt over Rachel, and stopped when her body was under the cab."

"My father served in the military in Vietnam and was responsible for bulldozer operations," Simpson added. "He said there is no way that what happened to Rachel would have happened on his watch.
Asked whether the family was getting support from the U.S. government, Simpson said it was a U.S. government official who first encouraged them to sue the Israeli government.

The family has met with many senior American officials, she added, and more than 70 congressmen signed a letter demanding a serious investigation.


  1. <p><span>The Death of Rachel Corrie</span><span><span>
    </span></span><span><span><span>David Rovics</span></span></span><span><span><span> (Singer and songwriter)

    When she sat down in the dirt
    In front of your machine
    A lovely woman dressed in red
    You in military green
    If you had met her in Jerusalem
    You might have asked her on a date
    But here you were in Gaza
    Rolling towards the gate

    As your foot went to the floor
    Did you recall her eyes
    Did her gaze remind you
    That you've become what you despise
    As you rolled on towards this woman
    And ignored all the shouts to stop
    Did you feel a shred of doubt
    As you watched her body drop

    And as your Caterpillar tracks
    Upon her body pressed
    With twenty tons of deadly force
    Crushed the bones within her chest
    Could you feel the contours of her face
    As you took her life away
    Did you serve your country well
    On that cool spring day

    And when you went back across the Green Line
    Back to the open shore
    Did you think that this was just another day
    In a dirty war
    And when you looked out on the water
    Did you feel an empty void
    Or was it just one more life you've taken
    One more home destroyed</span></span></span></p>

  2. I hope the Congress supports <span><span>Rachel Corrie</span><span><span>'s family.
