Thursday, March 11, 2010

Poll asked " whether Arab citizens should be granted rights equal to that of Jews in Israel" 49.5% of Israeli high school students answered NO.

"In response to the question of whether Arab citizens should be granted rights equal to that of Jews, 49.5 percent answered in the negative. The issue highlighted the deep fault lines separating religious and secular youths, with 82 percent of religious students saying they opposed equal rights for Arabs while just 39 percent of secular students echoed that sentiment."
How do you say Apartheid Rocks in Hebrew?


  1. <span>""Jewish youth have not internalized basic democratic values," said Prof. Daniel Bar-Tal, one of the conference organizers."</span>

    What democratic values are they talking about?  Polls as I have stated before,  are just the assessment by the elite to see if their none stop,  24 hours a day 7 days a week propaganda has been working.

  2. These views are extremely inappropriate and wrong. They are also inconsistent with the Torah and Jewish values.

    Thanks for reporting on this. I would like to show this poll to others and ask them for comment.

  3. I posted this article here:

    This poll is really shocking. TGIA, I am very interested in how Israel treats Palestinian Israeli citizens; since I think this is key to the entire middle east conflict. If Israelis abuse their own citizens for the crime of being Palestinian; justice for non Israeli citizen Palestinians will be extremely difficult to achieve.

  4. Wanted to verify my response to the following:

    "It is an immoral state because it provides access by all religions to their holy sites."

    Am I not right that many muslims are denied tourist visas to visit holy Islamic sites in Israel? Am I also not right that Palestinians are often prevented from entering Israel to pray at Israeli muslim sites?

  5. At MJT, some people think that the Palestinians are not different people than the Arab countries nearby. Is this true?

    Are Palestinians the same as the Jordanian people, for example?

    If so, is the solution to Palestine to give the occupied West Bank and Gaza back to the "Arabs" as some Israelis suggest?

  6. "Umm, no. I want the Palestinians and Israelis to live in peace next to each other, and treat each other as family.

    The question was about defeating Hamas, not peaceful coexistence of Arabs and Jews. Hamas, by definition, rejects peaceful coexistence, you maroon.
    <span>Posted by: Li'l Mamzer at March 11, 2010 12:10 pm</span>"

    I don't think Hamas is against peaceful coexistence with Isrealis provided the Israelis treat Palestinians with respect, honor and justice. Am I right?

    Doesn't Hamas favor a one state one person one vote free plural democracy solution to historic Palestine? Isn't this also the position of Abu Khalil (Angry Arab)?

    Isn't Hamas and Angry Arab okay with Israelis living in a united free plural state provided the new state have equal rights and civil rights for all its citizens?

    I am pretty sure this is what Angry Arab favors since he mentioned it during his debate in San Francisco. Not sure what Hamas' vision for a final just solution to the Palestinian Israeli issue is.

  7. <span>It's an immoral state because they built it on the ruins of another country..800.000 indigenous Palestinians expelled. 10s of Thousands massacred,  500 villages were erased from the face of the earth. A systematic effort to erase the memory of the Palestinian society..Immoral because Palestinian citizens of that state do not enjoy equal rights, are discriminated against in every sector of Israeli society..cannot own land, denied the opportunity to learn about their history and forced to celebrate the colonials' holidays like "Independence day", the Nakba is a taboo word.. It didn't even take place..  cannot marry Palestinians from the occupied West Bank.. cannot marry Jews. Their homes are slowly but steadily are taken away from them, see Sheikh Jarrah..Immoral because of an implacable occupation. A apartheid wall strangulating the imprisoned population. A settlement program which is rapidly transforming the whole landscape into an extension of Israel itself..Hundreds of thousands of thuggish settlers pouring in are making every effort to embitter the lives of the locals in order to drive them away and take their lands..Impoverished, dispossed, harrassed, denied freedom of movement, by hundreds of checkpoints. A 5 minutes travel between 2 tows can take anything between 8 hours and sometimes 2 days...An economy shattered because of the lack of opportunities to develop and export.. And I'm not talking yet about Gaza, the giant concentration camp were humans are locked in and deprived from the very basic necessities of life..,I can go on for hours but have no more time to state the evidence that everyone can see for ones' self..Oh, not you anan because you cannot do those things. I doubt you have the ability to chew gum and walk down the stairs in a shopping mall at the same time....</span>

  8. <span>Are Palestinians the same as the Jordanian people, for example?</span>
    No they're not..the Palestinians have three heads and hop on one leg...

  9. Israel could to wipe out Europe with nuclear weapons and expel all Palestinians, says Israeli military historian Martin Karfeld

    Noted Israeli military historian Martin Karfeld stated that Israel could find itself one day forced to exterminate the European continent using all kinds of weapons including its nuclear arsenal if it felt its demise neared, stressing that Israel also considers Europe a hostile target.

    This came in a press interview broadcast by the seventh Hebrew radio and was translated on Wednesday into Arabic by the press information analysis and study center.

    “We have hundreds of nuclear warheads and missiles that can reach different targets in the heart of the European continent, including beyond the borders of Rome, the Italian capital,” Karfeld said, adding that most of the European capitals would become preferred targets for the Israeli air force.

    The Israeli historian reiterated Israel’s ability to destroy the whole world whenever it felt its existence would be doomed to extinction.

    As for the Palestinians, the historian said that Israel at the present time pursues a specific strategy based on mass deportation of the Palestinian people and has intentions to expel all Palestinians without exception, but it is awaiting the right moment to take this step.

    “Two years ago, there was only seven to eight percent of the Israelis believing in this solution towards the Palestinians and just two months ago this percentage rose amongst the Israelis to 33 percent, but today, according to a survey conducted by Gallup institute, this figure surged to 55 percent,” he noted.

    The historian highlighted that Israel must take advantage of any incident that would give it a golden opportunity to expel the Palestinians as what happened in Deir Yassin massacre in 1948.

    Replying to a question whether Israel does not have fears of being classified as a criminal state if it expelled Palestinians, he said, “Israel is a state that does not care about what others say about it and you must remember the saying of former defense minister Moshe Dayan when he said that ‘Israel must always act as a wild dog even if it would be seen as dangerous in the eyes of others, rather than be harmed.’”

  10. Yes I saw this interview last week but it turned out it dates from 2002..

  11. Israelis really don't like Europeans. Not sure why, but there seems to be a lot of Jewish hate in Europe going back centuries.

    It isn't like in the Arab world.

    Europeans are both anti jewish and anti Palestinian.
