Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Biden takes one on the chin: 1,600 more housing units to be built

(US/Israeli porn...Biden expresses America’s "absolute, total, unvarnished commitment to Israel’s security")

Having spent most of the day stressing "his personal love for the Jewish state as well as the ‘unshakable’ commitment of the United States to Israel’s security," Vice President Biden in return was granted a special surprise by Israel’s right-wing religious Interior Minister, Eli Yishai – the announcement of 1,600 more housing units to be built at the Ultra-Orthodox settlement of Ramat Shlomo in East Jerusalem.
...The White House, clearly upset, had press chief Robert Gibbs condemn the move.

Applying the usual diplomatic slap on the wrist for such actions, a spokesman for the American Embassy in Tel Aviv said "the United States opposed unilateral actions that prejudiced the outcome of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority aimed at creating two states, and this was such an action."

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