Thursday, March 4, 2010

Michael Moore: There's Going to Be a Second Crash (And Glenn Beck Can F--k Off)

"You know, I tell you, these Democrats are disgusting. Wimps and wusses and weasels. You know, get some spine. This is why I have to admire the Republicans. They at least stand for something. They at least have the courage of their convictions. They get elected to office, they come into town, and they go "Get outta my way, there's a new sheriff in town. This is the way we're doing things. Get outta here." And then they do it. You know. I mean what they do is crazy. But dammit, they are good at it. We should take a page out of their book."


  1. Both Michael Moore and Glen Beck are both stupid.

  2. <span>With comments like these who needs an article?</span>

  3. The whole system needs to be sacked,  not just a reform in policy or bodies.  Micheal Moore has yet to learn this,  and Glen Beck belongs in a mental institution. 

  4. I agree with Michael Moore on this one.  Democrats are punks.  Sorry, that's an insult to people who identify as punks.  I noticed this too when John Kerry ran against GW Bush in 2004.  He could have taken the offensive and called Bush out on any number of crimes, as long as he had the spotlight.  Instead he ran on the defensive, lost and left nothing positive to show for his campaign.

    At least George Bush said what he was about and meant it.  He told the world he intended to murder and torture and he followed up on it.
