Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Jewish lobbying sways EU against support of Goldstone Gaza report

Members of the European Parliament have backtracked from their plan to pass a resolution demanding implementation of the Goldstone report, in response to pressure from European Jewish leaders, Haaretz has learned.

After leaders of all the major EP parties had agreed on the wording of a draft demanding implementation of the controversial document - which accused Israel of war crimes in Gaza last year and proposed prosecuting Israeli officials in the International Criminal Court - the European Union's legislative body was scheduled to vote on the measure Wednesday.
But Tuesday, leaders of the parties backed away from the draft, after the president of the European Jewish Congress, Moshe Kantor, warned them that adopting it would seriously harm EU-Israel ties.
Well then, the Jewish lobby is complicit in war crimes against humanity..As simple as that..


  1. <span><span>European Parliament endorses Goldstone Report</span></span>

    <span>Israel says EP resolution is 'regrettably flawed and counterproductive, as is the Report itself'</span>

  2. Why is it when I quote from the Goldstone report (both at Michael Totten and here), I am viciously attacked as anti Jewish and pro Zionist?

    The Goldstone Report was quite hard on Hamas; attacking them for war crimes and possible crimes against humanity in many respects. Among other things Goldstone strongly condemned Hamas rocket attacks against Israeli civilian population centers, for example. Golstone also attacked Hamas for mistreatment of Fatah supporters in the Gaza Strip.

    While Goldstone didn't find evidence of intimidation by Hamas during their visit to Gaza, nor did they rule it out.

    At the same time, Goldstone cited several specific inappropriate actions by the IDF. [Can't remember the number, was it 16?] Goldstone's research suggested that several specific IDF actions constituted possible crimes against humanity.

  3. Thanks katarzyna, that's exciting news for once..Strangely enough I didn't see it anywhere else for the time being but I'll post it anyway..

  4. <span>Hamas = 10 israeli victims in 7 years. 
    Israel   = 1440 Palestinians in ONE month ! 
    So yes of course, they share the blame for crimes against humanuity in EQUAL measure! 

  5. Where do you get 10 Israeli victims from?

    It is true that in recent years Hamas has mostly abided by its Hudna (cease fire with Israel), as I mention on Michael Totten. However, Hamas has had gaps in their Hudnas.

    In addition, TGIA, the real criticism of Hamas is what they do to fellow Palestinians, often under the guise of their ridiculous war with Fatah over nothing.

    Fatah should also be criticized for their transgretions and their meaningless war with Hamas.

    On the 2008/2009 Gaza war; it was primarily a war between armies; Hamas' fighters against the IDF. About 800 Hamas fighters were killed, including the flower of Hamas' officer and NCO corps.

    In war, both armies try to defeat and kill the other.

    I believe that V's research indicated 592 Gazan civilian deaths if I am right.

    So please use the number 592 rather than 1440 to criticize Israel.

    The real truth, TGIA, is that Hamas was arrogant, egotistical, over confident and incredibly stupid. Hamas' political leaders had no idea about military strategy and lead Hamas' fighters horribly.

    They thought they were provoking a war on their own terms in a way that benefited them. Hamas' plan was to cause a war with the IDF before the IDF was ready. Lure the IDF into Hamas' cross fire zones. Then cut the IDF off and kill it.

    Hamas' political leaders (note, I blame the leaders, not the foot soldiers) genuinely thought they could defeat the IDF.

    Part of the problem is that Hamas' political leadership started believing their own propoganda; that Israelis and the IDF were cowardly incompetent wimps who could easily be blown aside by Hamas fighters. Hamas learnt the wrong lessons from the 2006 Hezbollah war.

  6. The total number of the rockets' victims, to be accurate, is 13 not 10...

    <span>anan, I know you feel sorry for the inhabitants of Sderot but you need to know, first, what Sderot is: From Wikipedia. 
    "Sderot was founded in 1951 (...) on the land of the former Palestinian village of Najd. Najd was a Palestinian Arab village, located 14 kilometers (9 mi) northeast of Gaza City. On 13 May 1948, Najd was occupied by Jewish soldiers from the Negev Brigade as part of Operation Barak. The inhabitants were expelled and fled to Gaza, and the village was then completely destroyed and leveled to the ground. In 1951, the town of Sderot was built over the village lands."</span>

  7. You've never surprised me ZID. As usual lots of lies and full of shit. 

  8. You're an absolute idiot ZID.It's the IKF that launched the massacre as usual . The real stupid  (surprise) is you.
    And another thing too . Stop implying it's a war between the parties , call it by it's proper name ETHNIC CLEANSING. 
    Your analysis of the whole thing is that of a 2 Y.O. Have some self respect you idiot.

  9. <span>"So please use the number 592 rather than 1440 to criticize Israel."</span>
    1440 is the official figure moron, and BTW many more death for years to come  are related to the ethnic cleansing of 2008/2009 on Gaza.

  10. <span>The real truth, TGIA,</span>

    You want to hear the truth anan? Here's the truth: You're an embarrassment..and I'm polite...

  11. I have to admit that his idiocy is beyond measure..What's surprising is that I'm still surprised by how more stupid he is day after day...

  12. "Ethnic cleansing" implies that the Israelis want Palestinians to move away from Palestine. Could it be that Israelis want to kick Palestinians around rather than force them to move away from Palestine?

    Did South Africa use ethnic cleansing against Black South Africans? I think the answer is no. South Africa merely abused the blacks.

    An example of ethnic cleansing would be Saddam, who murdered 400,000 of his people and forced 4 to 5 million Iraqis to leave Iraq. [Because Saddam was paranoid that they were supporting the Iraqi resistance against Saddam in the 1980-2003 Iraqi civil war.]

    Has the same thing happened in Palestine?

    VAA, if 2008/2009 Gaza wasn't a war between two nations and two armies; what was it?

    I think the war was caused by Hezbollah, Iran, Syria and Fatah. Fatah wanted to use the IDF to weaken Hamas' army. Fatah succeeded. Iran and Syria used Hamas for their own nefarious purposes; misleading Hamas in the process. After the war started, Syria, Iran and Hezbollah all betrayed Hamas; refusing to lift a finger to help Hamas.

    Hamas was used and manipulated by people much smarter than they were to advance the interests of parties other than the Palestinian people.

  13. VAA, I am trying to understand.

    About 800 Hamas fighters died in the war between Hamas' army and the IDF. These are the casualties of warriors fighting for their country.

    The real criticism of Israel and the IDF isn't the Hamas fighter deaths, it is the deaths of Gazan civilians (592 by V's count.)

    If Gaza isn't a country, what is it? Hamas' army controls the entire area of Gaza. The IDF and Egyptian Army guards the borders, sea lanes and air space. But Hamas controls the territory of Gaza.

    One of my largest criticisms of Israel/Egypt is their policy to block Gaza from building a large international sea-port and airport that would substantially help the Gazan economy. I also think Israel and Egypt should allow free trade and free investment with Gaza.

    Another criticism would be Israeli efforts to block the training, equipping and funding of Palestinian security forces.

  14. <span>"Ethnic cleansing" implies that the Israelis want Palestinians to move away from Palestine. Could it be that Israelis want to kick Palestinians around rather than force them to move away from Palestine?  </span>
