Thursday, March 11, 2010

How did U.S. groups react to Biden's condemnation of Israel?

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden's condemnation of Israel's plan to construct 1,600 new housing units in East Jerusalem was welcomed on Wednesday by advocacy groups and analysts who called for Israel to be held accountable for actions that undermine peace talks with the Palestinians.

The U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation (U.S. Campaign) lauded Biden's statement "condemning the decision by the government of Israel to advance planning for new housing units in East Jerusalem" and his promise that the United States will hold Israel "accountable for any statements or actions that inflame tensions or prejudice the outcome of talks."


  1. Evidently, Biden did more than just show up late for dinner.

    Publicly, Vice President Joe Biden tried to keep up a positive tone in his good will visit to Israel this week. But privately, the Israeli press reports, he had sharper words for Israeli decisions Biden said jeopardize the peace process and U.S. efforts to stabilize Iraq, fight insurgents and stabilize Afghanistan and Pakistan, and strengthen an international and regional alliance to pressure Iran.

  2. I wish Biden took a stronger stand with Israel. America shouldn't let Israel kick us around so much.

  3. Some clarification questions to all of you, including VZA:
    "Why should America or the world try to destroy Hamas; or try to help Israel destroy Hamas?

    Because Hamas is a terrorist organization that has murdered hundreds if not thousands of innocent human beings, and brags about it."

    What is the correct response to this? Is it that Hamas commited terrorism against civilians in the distant past, but has abided by a Hudna (cease fire) for the most part for 6 years? Would it be fair to say that Hamas is not the same organization it was when it was commiting terrorism against civilians 9 years ago?

    "Anand, you go too far when you call on the US (and others) to support Hamas and Hezbollah. I'm not sure how you get to that place from defending Palestinians, either. A piece of advice from me, though: If you want to advocate for Palestinians you have to make sure it's clear that you would see Hamas thrown over the side. I doubt there are even 1% of Americans who could tolerate Hamas, so every time you tie Hamas in to the destiny of Palestinians 99% of Americans tune you out."

    What is the correct response to this? I don't support Hamas or Hezbollah, but think that <span>"IF"</span> they win future elections, then the US, EU, and international community should reach out and <span>see</span> what accomodations with Hezbollah and Hamas are possible.

    Is this position completely off left field?

    There is a negative sentiment towards Hamas around the world, even among the friends of Palestine. [In part because of the hundreds or more Palestinians who have died in the war between Hamas and Fatah; in part because of Hamas' terrorism in 2001 and 2002; and in part because of Hamas' suppression of Palestinians who disagree with them in the Gaza strip. Note that Fatah is guilty of many of the same things as Hamas is.] Hamas' ocassional over the top rhetoric is also not understood by the international community. Nor is Hamas' foolish fight with all the Arab governments other than Syria's.

    In view of this, is it best to condemn Hamas; or should it be argued that if the Palestinian people freely choose Hamas in free and fair elections, the wishes of the Palestinian people should be honored? Does the Palestinian people electing Hamas bless it with honor, legitimacy and respect? Does the Palestinian people electing Hamas demonstrate that Hamas has changed from what it use to be; or else the good Palestinian people wouldn't elect it?

  4. <span>Rulec no. 1: 
    Never ever try to reason with Zionists..Zionism ios not a political opinion it's a mental disease. 
    Thousands of bloggers with huge experience with this sickness are ALLLL saying the exact same thing..Check it out here: </span>
    <span> </span>
    Also check this site. Their comment section, unlike totten's is very interesting and eye opening. V is a regular... It's my morning coffee and I still learn a lot from them..Unless you don't want to learn which I perfectly understand. Why should you after all?:</span>
    and here:</span>
    <span> </span>
    and here: </span>

  5. <span><span>Rule no. 1:   
    Never ever try to reason with Zionists..Zionism ios not a political opinion it's a mental disease.   
    Thousands of bloggers with huge experience with this sickness are ALLLL saying the exact same thing..Check it out here: </span>  
    <span> </span>  
    Also check this site. Their comment section, unlike totten's is very interesting and eye opening. V is a regular... It's my morning coffee and I still learn a lot from them..Unless you don't want to learn which I perfectly understand. Why should you after all?:</span>  
    and here:</span>  
    <span> </span>  
    and here: </span>  
    <span>   </span></span>

    Finally, drop that shit site of Totten's; it's infected with the Zionism disease.

  6. <span>A bit of advice anan,  when you hang out with retards like the above group,  you develop Zionist brain - it is a horrible malady.  You will do nothing but regress until you resemble this - 

  7. If you had to choose one of those three blogs, which would it be.

    I am looking for a place where smart well informed people who disagree with each other discuss the issue. Smart friends of Palestine (or Palestinians) and smart friends of Israel (or Israelis.)

    This blog has no one advocating a pro Israeli position. Even Flemming didn't give a damn about Israelis; he seemed to relish offending people.

    MJT only has two pro Palestinian people left (not including myself.) The other pro Palestinian people (there use to be many Arab pro Palestinian readers of Micheal Totten, back when he mostly covered issues other than Israel/Palestine) no longer comment there.

    Ideally, I would like a place where there are intelligent Hamas supporters, intelligent Fatah supporters, intelligent supporters of Israeli Palestinians, intelligent supporters of the Israeli left, intelligent supporters of likud, intelligent supporters of the Israeli Arab Jews, intelligent supporters of Barghouti, intelligent supporters of diaspora Palestinians, intelligent supporters of Hezbollah/Jordan/Lebonon/Egypt/Syria etc.

    I have asked for clarification on Hamas' position on this blog many times. Rarely is there a response.

    Most people here refuse to even discuss their own projected end states in a nuanced fashion.

    Most anyway; VZA supports 1967 borders. You TGIA support 1948 UN Partition plan borders with property swaps of equal quality. Abu Khalil supports a one state solution.

    V, I really am not sure what his long term plan is. VAA, doesn't discuss where he stands.

    Jemmy, well he is a racist Brit.

    R.S. sounds a lot like a western leftist, but he says he is Arab. Confused about him.

  8. <span><span>Ah, Deliverance..A great movie.. I remember that time I saw it and how it captured my imagination..The music, the retard you're referring too and the 'oink oink' moment..But most of all I remember Burt Reynolds performance..For the young actor that I was, he appeared like having it all in just the looks with so little obvious skills  while I was agonising whether I'd go with Stanslavski or the Actor's studio methods.</span></span>

  9. I recommend mondoweiss. Bright commenters...
    <span><span><span></span> </span></span>


  10. <span><span>I have asked for clarification on Hamas' position on this blog many times. Rarely is there a response. </span> 
    We tried but not anymore because it's a waste of time and energy.. Where to start with you?..You have no basic understanding of the conflict, only bits and pieces garnered here and there in an disorderly fashion. You say you're "pro Palestinian" AND pro Israel without realising how irreconciable these 2 positions are. It's like saying (during the Holocaust), I'm pro Jewish but I'm also pro Nazi..Extreme? no..If you have your facts right you'd understand that you have to support the oppressed AGAINST not WITH the oppressor..</span>
    I personally gave up a while ago. You're not worth the effort.

  11. <span> "VAA, doesn't discuss where he stands."  </span>
    Have you ever wondered why ?
    Because it's easier to talk to a brick wall.
