Thursday, March 11, 2010

Gush Shalom: Stop US tax money flowing to settlers

"Gush Shalom approached the National Lawyers' Guild in the US, requesting NLG members to act against American organizations supporting Israeli settlers in the Occupied Territories and get the tax authorities to remove the tax exempt status presently given to donations to the settlers. The National Lawyers' Guild broke away from the American Bar Association at a time when the ABA supported racial segregation. Members of the NLG have been involved in various campaigns for peace and human rights, and some of its members have already indicated their willingness to approach the US tax authorities in the present case.
The approach to the American lawyers is part of the campaign conducted by Gush Shalom in coordination with American peace activists – many of them Jewish – who are maintaining campaigns of their own of this kind. For example, activists in California have for years been campaigning against the support of Irving Moskowitz and his son David Moskowitz for settlers taking over Palestinian properties in East Jerusalem. As part of this campaign a considerable amount of information was collected in recent months about the American settler-support organizations."

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