Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Avraham Burg: Once justice dwelled in Jerusalem, now settlers do

"Yes, the capital of the Jewish people - the people that always swore not to do to others what it would not have done to it - has become a harlot. Morally wanton, emotionally sealed-off. It is manipulated by its shepherds for their benefit and is full of law - everyone is suing everyone else, hiding behind the laws of injustice. And the judges - as though forced - issue rulings in accordance with discriminatory laws, unique to the "chosen people." Once justice dwelled here. Now the settlers do, murderers of the nation's soul.
And no one utters a word, but for a few patriots. People of truth and morals who refuse to stand idly by while the state of Jewish refugees repeatedly throws Palestinian families into the street and hands their miserable homes over to bearded, blaspheming thugs."
....Jerusalem is emptying out faster than any city in the world. At first its wealthy residents left, then its moderates abandoned ship, followed by the secular and the young adults. Very soon there will be no one left to leave and the city will be completely alone. The sources of light are being extinguished, occluded by rays of darkness.


  1. Burg has an interesting background:

    Burg was born and raised in Jerusalem's Rehavia neighborhood. His father was Yosef Burg, a German-born Israeli politician and long-time government minister for the National Religious Party. His mother Rivka (née Slonim), was born in Hebron and survived the Arab massacre in 1929.<sup></sup><span></span>


  2. "<span>On 15 August 1929, several hundred members of Joseph Klausner's Committee for the Western Wall, among them members of Vladimir Jabotinsky's Revisionist Zionism movement Betar youth organisation, under the leadership of Jeremiah Halpern, assembled at the Western Wall in Jerusalem shouting "the Wall is ours".<span>[</span>6<span>]</span> They raised the Jewish national flag and sang the ballad of yearning for freedom and self-determination, "Hatikvah" ("The Hope"), which is the Israeli national anthem. The authorities had been notified of the march in advance and provided a heavy police escort in a bid to prevent any incidents. Rumours spread that the youths had attacked local residents and had cursed the name of Muhammad.<span>[</span>9<span>]</span><span>[</span>10<span>]</span><span>[</span>11<span>]</span> In response the day after the Supreme Muslim Council marched to the Wall and proceeded to beat Jewish worshippers and burn Torah scrolls, prayer books<span>[</span>12<span>]</span> and supplicatory notes left in the Wall's cracks, and returned to attack the next day"</span>

  3. <span><span>I find it amusing that the Hebron massacre of 1929 is always brought up but never with the historical context or background. It's always mentioned to invoke Arabs thirst for Jewish blood for no reason or litthe reasons..In the case of this massacre, truly awful by all means, I have to admit, a brief background should shed some light on the reasons without going into too much detail..    
    The Palestinians as early as the beginning of the 20th century realised that something fishy was in store for them by the British colonials and the European Zionists, confirmed by the Balfour declaration promising the Zionists a homeland on their lands.. Waves after waves of immigrants were slowly changing the landscape around them. The stage was set for violence which started in a sporadic manner..Jews were effectively killed and the British realising the seriousness of the situation appointed a    
    Palin Commission of Inquiry . The Commission report attributed troubles to none fulfillment of promises of Arab independence and fear of political and economic consequences of Zionism. Not to mention that in that year (1929)  250,000 new immigrants  raised the Zionist presence in Palestine to 30% of the total population..Jabotinky, a far right Zionist had already founded in Paris an organisation, Betar (which became later and to this day, one of the most extreme in the history of Zionism) which called for military action against the "Arabs"..His followers' numbers grew dramatically in Palestine. Here's how Wikipedia narrates the leading events to the massacre of 1929:</span></span>

  4. Timeline of the events here:

  5. <span><span><span><span>"I find it amusing that the Hebron massacre of 1929 is always brought up but never with the historical context or background. It's always mentioned to invoke Arabs thirst for Jewish blood for no reason or litthe reasons..In the case of this massacre, truly awful by all means, I have to admit, a brief background should shed some light on the reasons without going into too much detail."</span></span></span>  
    You seem to be trying to mitigate the awfulness of it all with this businesss of immigration and context. Will you be as understanding if Australians get fed up and go on a rampage and massacre a bunch of Lebanese immigrants because of the perceived high incidence of rape by Muslim immigrants, for example? Is there a context that Zionists can explain to you and you will accept for the actions taken at Deir Yassin? I don't think so.  
    Sorry, No excuse. I'll bet a small number of cynical creeps and fanatics stirred up that mess in Hebron and too many went along with it, probably whipped into a frenzy by imams and nationalists. (Though there were 14 families who saved the lives of Jews.)   

  6. Well no need to make it easier for me to bring the Australian context as I understand perfectly how and why things generally happen especially in the I/P conflict..And BTW,  I don't remember saying I found the massacre trivial or justified.... I'm more often than not seing those massacres like Hebron 1936 for example without any context or background..The other day I was having an exchange with a Zionist and she brought that massacre as a proof that Arabs kills Jews for no reason!! Sorry that's a bit short..

  7. <span>I doubt massacres would have taken place if the Zionists didn't make their intentions very clear from the outset. Total dispossession of the locals!.They wanted it ALL!! Check Jabotinski, the theorist in chief  of the settler movement today...Those communities Arabs and Jews were living, more or less I should add, without major issues UNTIL it became clear that the Zionists wanted to expropriate the Palestinians with the approval and the complicity of the British colonials who earlier had promised the Palestinians independence similar to that of Syria (not granted either btw)..  
    I've seen the photos of the Jewish victims of that 1929 massacre and I'm not insensitive to human tragedy and suffering in order to casually brush it off ..If you were on blogs arguing with Zionist scum like I do sometimes, you'd understand how I feel seeing them all the time invoking "Arabs' thirst for Jewish blood" simply because they're Jews!! I'm sick of it all..92% of Palestine is gone (probably even more) and we're still talking about " Arabs killing Jews"!! That doesn't do it for me...

  8. <span>Benny Morris, of all people since he's an advocate of ethnic cleansing himself, documented 28 massacres committed by the Zionists from the 20s onward..So it didn't really all happen in 1948..Above, I only wrote about the immigration as it was the bigger picture or the backdrop for those events but I didn't mention the massacres (on both sides for sure) as this is a given and no need to bring it over time and time again.

  9. Well, I still think Burg does have an interesting background!

  10. HA HA..Yes vza. I agree.
