Tuesday, February 2, 2010

An American soldier explains what he did in the Middle East

Back in 2008, a number of former American soldiers gave testimony at the “Winter Soldier” hearings and detailed the horrific crimes committed in our name in America’s imperial pursuits.


  1. Many American soldiers are honest and were quite disturbed by the crimes committed by soldiers and private contractors in Iraq. 

    Meanwhile, Arab terrorists continue to murder Iraqis. 


  2. Meanwhile, US-backed Arab terrorists continue to rule Iraqis but not for long. And the upcoming victory of the Iraqi people will also be a victory for the peoples of the third world countries, especially those targeted for the next terrorist attacks by the Empire.


  3. The Arabs seem to be in perpetual fantasy. 

    The culture of detention, torture, and murder in Iraq started with the rule of Saddam Insane, the hero of the Arab world. 

  4. Mojo, there is no way the non Iraqi sunni arab world can defeat the Iraqi Army. The Iraqi Army will soon be the greatest Army in recorded Arab history.

    The Iraqis will smash all the "lovely" neighbors if the "Arab brothers" act stupidly.

    Violent attacks against the Iraqi Army and Iraqi Police are down by 95%. The war is over. The Baathists and Takfiris lost. The conspiracy of the neighbors to destroy Iraq failed.

  5. I should not assume "revolucionstreet" is an Arab. He could be an American Jew like v. 

    I'm glad you believe in the strength of the Iraqi Army, anan. It is encouraging. 

  6. The more the military facts speak against them, the more crudely and shamelessly London and Washington repeat their claims. How often was the collapse of the Iraqi resistance predicted, yet here we are!
    <span>One does not need rose-colored glasses to conclude that the Iraqi people have never been so determined to fight and win. </span>

  7. It seems that mostly Iraqi civilians have been killed. The "resistance" killed Iraqi women and kids just a few days ago. 

  8. Who bombed three Baghdad hotels last week?  Who continues to recruit suicide bombers and send them into crowds of Iraqi women and kids?  Why doesn't the legitimate resistance go after these murderers?  US troops withdrew from Iraqi cities many months ago and they're on their way out.  
