Saturday, February 13, 2010

Gaza war fallout sharpens Israeli political divide

An Israeli civil rights group is accused of aiding South African jurist Richard Goldstone's inquiry into the war last year, and there are calls for an investigation by parliament.
Oooh, a "snitch". Bad, bad Israeli!


  1. This photo of an Israeli boy can not win the first prize
    Because the world refuses to see how deep-rooted that issue is
    I have downloaded the press kit, it has some 50 photos non for Gaza, not even that one, they have made the 150 meg zip file Israel-friendly.

  2. You bet!!!! It makes one wonder of course, but for us over here we're beyong that stage at least as far as I'm concerned. I'm convinced  a huge effort is made to make SURE the public is shielded and protected from the truth, but for how long this dam of lies (by omission) is going to hold? How bloody long?
