Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Angry Arab on the repugnant Totten:" Michael Totten wants to send pizza to killers"

"Kathy, my 1st ex-wife (not to be confused with Maria, my 2nd ex-wife) sent me this item and she was outraged (she wrote: "Noooooo, that Michael Totten doesn't hate Arabs at all. That asshole lives in Beirut?". Totten wrote: "There's something truly heartwarming about this. Such a small and easy thing to do for people who could really use some encouragement and thanks. I'm an atheist/agnostic ex-Christian who has never been to Israel, but sometimes I feel like those folks over there are my countrymen, not just "merely" our allies. It costs less than US $20 to send a pizza to a patrol. With so much virulent anti-semitism from nearly all quarters, a small gift to Israeli soldiers from someone outside Israel is a nice little antidote to racism and hate.""


  1. <span><span><span>"With so much virulent anti-semitism from nearly all quarters, "</span></span>

    <span><span></span>------- </span>
    <span></span><span>In order to demonize someone, don't you already have to be a demon yourself? </span>
    Ali Abunimah

  2. Such platitudes from this Totten piece of shit makes him totally unreadable.. Trite and boring.

  3. I'd like to send Michael T, and the Israelis some TexMex, and some tequilla to wash it down. Enjoy !
