Tuesday, February 9, 2010

12 arrested for disrupting Israeli ambassador

Twelve people were arrested Monday evening during a raucous lecture at UC Irvine where Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren came to talk about U.S.-Israel relations.
Oren was interrupted 10 times Monday while trying to give his speech before 500 people at the UCI Student Center, where there was heavy security. Oren took a 20 minute break after the fourth protest, asked for hospitality and resumed his speech, only to be interrupted again by young men yelling at him every few minutes. Many members of the audience also applauded Oren.
(Thanks Legal)


  1. Next time it will be tomato and perhaps shoes thrown :)

  2. Talking about shoes I have a pair to which it's about time to say goodbye. 25 years of loyal services. Still good enough to cause enough damage though.

  3. <span>I doubt if this will be much of a victory for the Palestinian cause in the U.S. no matter how satisfying and heady the feeling must be in curtailing Oren's right to speak.</span>

  4. It's not about victories...War criminals and those who represent them ( Oren) who go on speaking tours should realise that the policies of their rogue state are opposed and condemned wherever they go..

  5. Well, it should be about victories or what is the point if you want to change minds in the U.S.? I am afraid this approach will backfire. Soon you will have students of an opposing view preventing Palestinian actrivists from speaking.

  6. It's putting pressure on influential Israelis to rethink attitudes to criticism. It lets those who are uncertain of reactions if they speak their know that protest is possible.
    Resistance to tyranny always begins at the grassroots, and is always condemned by the privileged.
    Keep up the pressure. 

  7. But that is not up to you or anyone else to decide for OTHERS. You have the right to make that decision for yourself by either not going or protesting outside the talk. You do not have the right to curtail the freedom of others who choose to hear the man.

  8. Huh?  What is it that Professor Abukhalil speaks about when he is invited to the campuses he lists right on his website? Nine times out of ten it is about the occupation of Palestine. Sorry, you are wrong on this one. Activists for Palestine are invited by various groups such as Muslim Student Unions, etc.

  9. But you have no right to interfere with the rights of the people who attended who wanted to hear the man.

  10. Michael Oren did NOT look or act shamed. In fact, he did look rather elegant and tolerant in his approach and the whole thing probably garnered a great deal of sympathy for him. The students, meanwhile, to most of the people in the audience, looked  rather rude and intolerant of the rights of other members of the audience. Had they made some symbolic opening protest and then peacefully left the room so that others could exercize their rights, they would have made a more positive impact. 

  11. A battle of comments is raging over this question (To iterrupt or not):


  12.      Well, that was very interesting. Some very good comments  from both sides. Naturally, our very own v shows his totalitarian side!

  13. <span>You're absolutely right, but all of that stuff is usually handled under the radar. Most Americans are not aware of the Zionist influence on these things. The tactics used by the Palestinian activists are being discussed all over and have made the papers and news. Bad publicity for their cause, imo.</span>

  14. True, but he quickly recovered his aplomb and then later he said he would have preferred that the protesters had stayed. This made him appear gracious and willing to talk and listen.

  15. Btw, George Galloway has  also spoken at UC Irvine and was not interrupted at all!
