Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Norman Finkelstein’s new book on Gaza

American writer Norman Finkelstein is soon to release his new book, “This Time We Went Too Far: Truth and Consequences of the Gaza Invasion“, a concise examination of Israel’s bombardment of Gaza in late 2008 and early 2009. (It’s also worth noting that Finkelstein has chosen a relatively new publisher, OR Books, to release his work, a print on demand and online distributor).
Here’s the forward:

"Alongside many others I have devoted much of my adult life to the achievement of a just peace between Israel and Palestine. It cannot be said that Palestinians living under occupation have derived much benefit from these efforts. The changes that have occurred have only been for the worse. Under the guise of what is called the “peace process” Israel has effectively annexed wide swaths of the West Bank and shredded the social fabric of Palestinian life there and in the Gaza Strip.

It would nonetheless be unduly pessimistic to say that no progress has been made. Israel can no longer count on reflexive support for its policies. Public opinion polls over the past decade reveal a growing unease with Israeli conduct not only outside but also inside Jewish communities around the world. This shift largely stems from the fact that the public is now much better informed. Historians have dispelled many of the myths Israel propagated to justify its dispossession and displacement of Palestine’s indigenous population; human rights organizations have exposed Israel’s mistreatment of Palestinians living under occupation; and a consensus has crystallized in the legal-diplomatic arena around a settlement of the conflict that upholds the basic rights of Palestinians."

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