Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Carlos Santana cancels concert because of anti-Israel pressure'

Guitarist Carlos Santana reportedly received messages that "it's better" that he not perform in Israel, according to what a senior official in the Israeli music production market involved in producing Santana's show told Yedioth Ahronoth on Saturday.


  1. Rememer "I ain't gonna play Sun City"? Time for an update.

  2. It is interesting that he cites an implied threat for cancelling his show rather than a bold-or even mild-statement of solidarity for Palestinians. I wonder if that is an attempt to appease both sides with his decision. Usually that gambit ends up pissing everyone off. It will be interesting to see how his career goes in the next few years to see if he ends up paying a price for not playing in Israel. He's a great guitarist and it's a shame that he has to be involved in this kind of controversy...but, hey, the Palestinians didn't ask to be in their situation either.

  3. ...And if Palesine supporters don't support Santana now-meaning buying his records and seeing his shows(supportive e-mails won't cut it this time), then be prepared sometime in the future for pictures of him in a yarmekule praying at the Wailing Wall. I hope you like twenty minute guitar solos.

  4. " ... then be prepared sometime in the future for pictures of him in a yarmekule praying at the Wailing Wall."
    A likely outcome. 

  5. From a Palestinian perspective the issue isn't whether Santana is forced to humiliate himself with some sort of public contrition. The issue is whether an entainer is able to honor the boycott and not have their career affected too much. If Santana can continue touring and making records, then other entertainers may find courage.

  6. <span><span><span>Someone posted this comment on Mondoweiss in regards to the cancellation:   
    In the summer of ‘06 in California, I went to a Santana gig and was blown away when half-way into the show he asked everyone to take a moment and remember the people of Lebanon who were that night under intense Israeli bombardment. It was unexpected and very moving.</span>  
    The dude knows what is.</span></span></span>

  7. And, if you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, boycott his restaurants.  There are two Maria Marias in the east SF bay area and maybe more elsewhere.  I hear the food isn't so great, anyway.

  8. The truth is, I hope to find out that he is acting on solidarity with Palestine.  I've always been a Santana fan.  But that will be tempered by what his position is in this case.

  9. Why people are suggesting that Santana was forced to take this decision?  Just because the Israelis are saying so?  What else could they be claiming and still be feeling good about themdselves?

  10. Santana did not make a declartion anyway. Anyone's guess in regards to his motives..

  11. The fact that he considered going to play in the first place, tells me he is either an opportunist & would rather further his career than stand on principle, or supports Israel.  Or is ignorant (that's pretty common but not excuseable).  None of those puts Santana in a good light.
