Sunday, February 7, 2010

How Two Jewish Publishers (The NYT and the WPOST) Who Privately Opposed Zionism Folded

In her 1997 autobiography, the late Katharine Graham of the Washington Post described her father as an assimilating Jew who didn't talk about his Jewishness to his Episcopal-church-going children. He was "involved in Jewish charities, causes, and international issues. "He was not a Zionist, however, believing strongly that he was an American citizen first and foremost." That's odd. Her father, the financier Eugene I. Meyer Jr., who bought the Washington Post in the 1930s, is a figure in Zionist history.
(thanks vza)


  1. Zionism tries to own anyone with some renown,  even if they do not,  they will lie. Of course,  we find this all the time with Einstein and others - it is really sick.

  2. Could it be that the label Zionist is becoming one that US intelligentsia would prefer not to be saddled with? One lives in hope.
