Friday, February 12, 2010

Robert Fisk: The truth is that Israel destroyed mosques and the Palestinians did not flee.

As'ad the grumpy Arab excuriates Robert Fisk for "praising" Ben-Gurion in this article but one shouldn't, as the French say (English too?), throw out the baby with the bath water:
"The truth is that Israel has destroyed many mosques, that the original Palestinian Arab victims of the 1947-8 war did not all flee, as Ben-Gurion suggested; many, like the doomed men and women of the Deir Yassin massacre, were murdered in their villages. The Israeli army, to some of us who have watched it in action, is a rabble, little different from the Arab armies of the Middle East. The numbers of civilian dead in the Gaza war were as much an outrage as the Sabra and Chatila massacre of 1982 when Israeli soldiers watched – quite literally – as the Lebanese militia they had sent into the refugee camps eviscerated the Palestinian civilians inside. Foreign journalists continue to prattle on about the supposed purity of Israel's soldiers."


  1. Who is the dangerous man of the professor's article? Symbolic? The Palestinian or Arab Everyman?

  2. Well the mystery continues(this has been talked about before). But I'll read this rather long article and try to find out.

  3. The dangerous man is fictional. An idea. The Arab/Lebanese rebel. A sort of George Habash and a hypothetical As'ad Abu Khalil or his ideas incarnated. But the article I read in Arabic is the second part. The English translation that I didn't read yet, is the first. BTW, this is an incredibly well written piece. Few people around have this level of command of the Arabic language. I didn't think I could be as impressed by any contemporary Arab author but I am and overwhelmigly so..This article if only  for it's eloquence is a masterpiece. As for the ideas expressed this could take years worth of debates and discussions. It's a must read.

  4. tgia
    Do you have link please.You know the "one in Red " ;)

  5. guest1
    <span>for us "transplants".</span>
    I like it , because I can relate to it.

  6. <span></span>
    <span> عودة الرجل الخطــير: تسريع التاريخ</span>

    <span><span> – </span>Flag</span><span><span> –</span></span>

  7. Very interesting. Explains a lot.

  8. Interestingly, Israel made you feel  Arab. Sartre's famous maxime, "it's the anti-Semite who makes the Jew" is not entirely false.
