Thursday, February 4, 2010


"If I don't do anything in my life, I want to bring categorical rejection of Israel back in fashion. I hope I have already."
The Angry Arab, As'ad Abu Khalil


  1. Categorical rejection of Israel has always been in fashion in the Arab world and it's never been in fashion in America.  What the hell is the Angry Arab smoking?

  2. IraqiMojo, categorical rejection of Israel isn't the fashion anywhere in the nonmuslim world, except for maybe some small pockets of academics in Europe.

    There is almost no coverage or interest in Palestine in Asia; probably Africa and Latin America too.

    However, neither is there support for Israel. There is simply no knowledge or awareness or coverage of the Palestinian issue.

  3. Are Egypt, Qatar, Morocco,  Jordan and Oman categorically refjecting Israel? They're handsomely collaboriting and trading with Israel.

  4. Forgot Saudi Arabia.

  5. <span>"However, neither is there support for Israel. "</span>
    I like it when this Akhwat ZID manipulates his statistics re: I/P conflict on the fly. It wasn't long ago that Asia favoured Israel and do business , arm deals etc.. .So what's the sudden change in Asia anan ?

  6. <span><span>"However, neither is there support for Israel. "</span> 
    I like it when this Akhwat ZID manipulates his statistics on the fly. It wasn't long ago that Asia favoured Israel and do business with , arm deals etc.. .So what's the sudden change in Asia anan ?</span>

  7. VAA, the affect of Asian indifference to Israe/Palestine is substantial business and military relations with Israel. However, most of these countries would drop Israel in a heartbeat for a better offer.

    VAA, this is hard to explain. I keep hearing stories about Israeli entrepreneurs and companies. These people and companies are held in awe; but that does not imply any support for Israel against Palestine. Does this make sense?

    There is a lot of admiration of Israel for its VCs, tech companies, innovation, R&D, University Graduate programs, entrepreneurs, and defense companies. But the same people who are fascinated by these aspects of Israel are not supporters of Israel per say; nor do they have interest in discussing Palestine. I have tried. I get that "bored" look.

    VAA, it is similar to the deep respect and admiration many around the world have for Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai, Sweden, Switzerland, and Taiwan. Many people greatly admire Taiwan; but don't want to help them against China.

    Many around the world (probably most) greatly admire silicon valley; but that does not mean that they blindly follow America.

    OK, I am unclear.

    There use to be a sense that Israel had a tough military; and most people around the world want their own military to be tough like Israel's. Hell, this sentiment is widespread in Pakistan. However, the same people who admire Israel's military might not be pro Israel; or might even hate Israel.

    One of my college dorm mates was a Pakistani. He use to tell me that he would sacrifice his hand to destroy Israel. However, even he use to tell me how much he admired Israel's tech sector, IDF and Mossad. He wanted Pakistan to become like Israel. Yet he also hated Israel.

  8. But the majority of the Arab people have always rejected Israel, no? From my perspective it's always been fashionable for Arabs to reject Israel. 

  9. And so they should..

  10. <span>People hate Israel for a reason that anti semitism has NOTHING to do with!! You people find it hard to believe but it's a huge mistake. The problem is within you not within us. I do not have a particle of anti semitism in me and yet I entirely and categoracally  reject  Israel ..Israel, for me, is a colonial enterprise founded by European barbarians and vandals. It epitomises 19th century racially based nationalism no different from fascism and Nazism. Technology and westernised ways it likes to flount in our faces are a varnish and as in a painting it can only enhance the faults and cracks already  in there, it does not conceal it. </span>
