Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Arab politicians 'facing increased persecution’ in Israel

Jonathan Cook
NAZARETH // Leaders of the Arab minority in Israel warned this week that they were facing an unprecedented campaign of persecution, backed by the right-wing government of Benjamin Netanyahu, designed to stop their political activities.....

Arab politicians are particularly concerned about a bill introduced last month requiring all parliamentary candidates to swear loyalty to Israel as a Jewish state. If passed, the seats of the 10 Arab MPs belonging to non-Zionist parties in the 120-member parliament, or Knesset, would be under threat.
"loyalty to Israel as a Jewish state" not just loyalty to Israel or to the state!!


  1. I guess this post would go under the category of Palestinian attempts at peaceful change and Israel's reactions to these attempts.

  2. Thanks for this post. To my mind, this is arguably Israel's greatest failure; Israel's failure to treat their own citizens respectfully.

    TGIA, Legal i for the straight gal, Molly; could you focus far more on these types of articles?

    What are some good blogs to show these at (other than MJT; where pro Israeli types visit)?
