Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Angry Arab on Eli Wiesel

"I never believe anything this man says. The BHL's scandal reminds one of the big fat lie that Norman Finkelstein caught Wiesel in, when the latter claimed that he had read Kant's Critique of Pure Reason in Yiddish, when no such translation existed at the time. Most importantly, I would sell half of my book collection if Wiesel can understand 10% of that book. So Wiesel appeared in court and in the media to say that his savings and his foundation's money were wiped out by Madoff. But yesterday, Wiesel had a full page ad in the NYT.
My comment: BHL is Bernard Henry Levy the French " philosopher" who embarrassed himself lately quoting a philosopher who doesn't exist (Botul, a hoax) But that's a different story which I'll post later.
Another thing, maybe As'ad ignores that Wiesel has been paid $500.000 for a speech at a meeting with Hagee(See post below). Last, the ad in question is an effort to bury the Goldstone report. For this he asked a great number of Nobel prize winners to join him in that effort. It's a huge mafia out there.


  1. <span>Last, the ad in question is an effort to bury the Goldstone report. For this he asked a great number of Nobel prize winners to join him in that effort. 
    Other than what is mentioned in that post, do you have any other info about the ad? I would be curious to see which Nobel winners signed it.</span>

  2. There is this but it says the ad is about Iran:

    Nobel Prize laureates back Elie Wiesel anti-Ahmadinejad ad

  3. The Holocaust industry,  and by extention Wiesel practice nothing but a large confidence scam game -

    <span>A confidence trick, confidence game, or con for short (also known as a scam) is an attempt to intentionally mislead a person or persons (known as the mark) usually with the goal of financial or other gain.</span>
