Wednesday, February 3, 2010

54 House Members Risk Their Careers to Support Gaza

Fifty-four members of the US House of Representatives have sent a letter to President Obama urging him “to use diplomatic pressure to resolve the blockade affecting Gaza.”

Initially drafted by Democrats Keith Ellison, Minnesota, and Jim McDermott, Washington, the letter says, in part:

"The unabated suffering of Gazan civilians highlights the urgency of reaching a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and we ask you to press for immediate relief for the citizens of Gaza as an urgent component of your broader Middle East peace efforts. . . . The current blockade has severely impeded the ability of aid agencies to do their work to relieve suffering."

Fifty-two other members of the House joined Ellison and McDermott in signing the letter, a dramatic increase in congressional voices defying the powerful Israel Lobby.
UPDATE: 53 now as one representative just caved in under pressure from you know who.


  1. <span>“We haven’t seen so many members of Congress prepared to stand together behind a resolution critical of Israel since the 1970s,”</span>

  2. Does it mean Americans are waking up from their eternal sleep ?
    I'm anxious to know  :-D

  3. Go Keith Ellison and Jim McDermott!!!!!!! 53 members of the US Congress rock!
