Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thank you Mara


  1. <span>This is beautiful Mara, thank you! Can you say a little something about this piece? Obviously Brazilian..

  2. Thanks for this.  I love good dance. 

    Happy New Year!

  3. I feel a bit like a usurper, clearly not being Brasilian myself.  But I am such an admirerer of that great nation, and it has so much in common with the Caribbean nations, that I feel myself a part of it (especially the Northeast states of Bahia and Pernambuco).  The Maracatu is a carnival or festival tradition from Pernambuco and wikipedia is fairly accurate, so I'll post this:

    Maracatu de nação’s origins lie in the investiture ceremonies of the Reis do Congo (Kings of Congo), who were slaves that occupied leadership roles within the slave community. When slavery was abolished in Brazil in 1888, the institution of the Kings of Congo ceased to exist. Nonetheless, nações continued to choose symbolic leaders and evoke coronation ceremonies for those leaders. Although a maracatu performance is secular, traditional nações are grouped around Candomblé or Jurema (Afro-Brazilian religions) terreiros (bases) and the principles of Candomblé infuse their activities.

  4. By the way, you might be interested in this entry to my blog.

  5. Blogsters:
    Please consider posting this obituary:

    Sentenced for evading his ban, he spent 18 months on Robben Island. A fellow prisoner, Eddie Daniels wrote: "Dennis Brutus was systematically and vilely persecuted, so badly that at one stage he became psychologically disorientated. On his release he gave a press conference in London in which he gave an account of the brutalities on the Island. Unfortunately, he was accused of exaggerating. He was not exaggerating but telling the unvarnished truth" (There and Back: Robben Island 1964-1979, 1998).
