Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Rahm Emanuel's ex-rabbi : Law of return for both, Arabs and Jews

"Ultimately, he envisages a situation where Jews and Arabs will live anywhere they desire in the Land of Israel - the Jews will be able to live in all quarters of the Old City, and if they wish also in Bethlehem, Nablus and Gaza, while the Palestinians will be able to purchase property, not only in the West Bank but also in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and anywhere else. The Law of Return, he believes, should be applicable not only to Jews but also to Arabs. Israel, he says, would be able to improve its demographic balance "by letting in potentially millions of Africans, Asians and South Americans who self-identify as Jewish even if they cannot prove their Jewish descent.""


  1. So anybody who calls him/herself "Jew" becomes a Jew entitled to migrate to Israel and adopt citizenship. Just like the original land of Israel, where a ragbag army of runaway slaves, led by a byblow of the Egyptian ruling caste, overran and occupied a land already inhabited and cultivated by others.
    Still, it kicks all that nosense about a Jewish race into touch.

  2. <span>"...U.S. commuting Jonathan Pollard and sending him to Israel."</span>

    Well, we can see he places Israel's interests above the U.S. Good riddance. Leave today. Please.
