Wednesday, June 17, 2009

US troops ask Syria to thwart al-Qa'ida offensive

Patrick Cockburn in Baghdad
The Iraqi government expects al-Qa'ida and Baathist insurgent groups to launch a wave of attacks so they can take credit for compelling the US military to leave Iraqi cities by 30 June, according to a senior Iraqi minister.

An American military team was dispatched from Baghdad to Damascus at the weekend to demand that Syria help choke off a guerrilla offensive by imposing greater control over its border with Iraq, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari revealed in an interview with The Independent.
the Independent

1 comment:

  1. Odierno today said that part of the reason violence inside Iraq fell to a new low in May, 2009, was because Syria was helping stop infiltration over the border. He also said that violence is trending down in Mosul (by far the most violent city in Iraq.)
