Thursday, June 25, 2009

The evolutionary origin of depression

Depression may be linked to how willing someone is to give up his goals

CLINICAL depression is a serious ailment, but almost everyone gets mildly depressed from time to time. Randolph Nesse, a psychologist and researcher in evolutionary medicine at the University of Michigan, likens the relationship between mild and clinical depression to the one between normal and chronic pain. He sees both pain and low mood as warning mechanisms and thinks that, just as understanding chronic pain means first understanding normal pain, so understanding clinical depression means understanding mild depression.

Dr Nesse’s hypothesis is that, as pain stops you doing damaging physical things, so low mood stops you doing damaging mental ones—in particular, pursuing unreachable goals. Pursuing such goals is a waste of energy and resources. Therefore, he argues, there is likely to be an evolved mechanism that identifies certain goals as unattainable and inhibits their pursuit—and he believes that low mood is at least part of that mechanism.


  1. Are you okay, tgia? You have not been around much. Not to be nosy, but just concerned.

  2. Mission control, do you read?

  3. Interesting. considering that I have been having bouts of depression as my departure date to Saudia is getting closer and closer..........................................................................

  4. I hope not, but he does not reply to any comments anymore.

  5. When life presents you with inescapable
    depressing circumstances, there is only one thing to do.  Sing about it.  Why do you think the Blues were "invented"?

    Autor: Arsenio Rodriguez.

    Despues que uno vive
    veinte desengaños
    que importa uno mas....
    Despues que conoces
    la accion de la vida
    no debes llorar
    hay que darse cuenta
    que todo es mentira
    que nada es verdad...
    Hay que vivir el momento feliz
    hay que gozar lo que pueda gozar
    porque sacando la cuenta en total:
    y todo se va....
    La realidad es nacer y morir
    a que llenarnos de tanta ansiedad
    todo no es mas que un eterno sufrir
    el mundo esta hecho
    sin felicidad.

  6. Marion, have you viisted Saudi Arabia before? I sure would like to see the old houses of Jeddah. I have read there are  ruins of an old Assyrian Church outside Jeddah.

  7. Here is a rough translation of part of that eternal tune:

    "La vida es un sueño" (Life is but a dream):
    "After one lives through twenty disappointments /
    What does one more matter /
    After you know how life is /
    You shouldn't cry /
    You should know that everything is a lie /
    That nothing is true /
    You must live for the moment in happiness /
    Enjoy what you can /
    Because when you add it all up /
    Life is but a dream /
    And you lose everything."

  8. Speculation does little good, we will just have to wait and see if there is something of consequence is afoot or not.  Only he can tell us, although it is different from the normal course

  9. Speculation does little good, we will just have to wait and see if there is something of consequence afoot or not.  Only he can tell us, although it is different from his normal course

  10. There is another possibility, he has mentioned that he is very busy. Perhaps he has asked someone else to post for him. maybe not - it is a possibility.

  11. I lived in Saudi for three years before vza. I visited Jeddah twice, Mecca twice, Medina four times, and Riyadh twice...I also performed  Hajj and Umrah while living there...I didn't know that there was an old Assyrian Church outside Jeddah but I will keep it in mind in the case that we visit Jeddah again...
