Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Israel's Man of Conscience

My name is Ezra Nawi. I am a Jewish citizen of Israel.

I will be sentenced on the first of July after being found guilty of assaulting two police officers in 2007 while struggling against the demolition of a Palestinian house in Um El Hir, located in the southern part of the West Bank.

Of course the policemen who accused me of assaulting them are lying. Indeed, lying has become common within the Israeli police force, military and among the Jewish settlers.

After all, was I the one who poisoned and destroyed Palestinian water wells?

Was I the one who beat young Palestinian children?

Did I hit the elderly?

Did I poison the Palestinian residents’ sheep?

Did I demolish homes and destroy tractors?

Did I block roads and restrict movement?

Was I the one who prevented people from connecting their homes to running water and electricity?

Did I forbid Palestinians from building homes?


  1. Yes, I like his exposing the "courts" and entire system in this murderous occupation -

    "Oh, but I have this piece of paper...Moses gave it too me 3,000 years ago! Case closed!!"

  2. Maybe he became a traitor because he likes Arab men.

  3. Forgot to mention - "look at the affirmative scribblings on the paper, the 'official' document, what more do you need to be convinced!"

  4. ...Maybe the reason you identify so strongly with a fascist ideology like Zionism is that deep inside you know you are totally worthless as an individual.

  5. Look who is talking about fascism- the people who brought us THE MOTHER OF ALL APARTHEID FASCISM.

  6. I actually agree with you about the segregated roads in Saudi Arabia-for that and other reasons I feel it's a scandal that the United States is keeping that regime in power against the will of the people. But face it, how many non-Moslems are affected by those stupid rules? Saudi Arabia is all Moslem. But in Palestine there are Jew-only roads also-as well as Jew-only towns, apartment buildings, etc.-and half the country is not Jewish. Personally, I think the U.S. should stop protecting both the Saudi royal family AND Israel.

  7. 1. There's no such thing as "Palestine". There would have been, but they chose war and terror instead. That was their choice.

    2. There are no Jew-only roads here in Israel. Israeli-Arabs can drive on EVERY road that Jews can. On the other hand, there are a number of roads that are forbidden to Jews- and any Jew driving on them might end up being murdered.

    3. Do you know why Tel Aviv grew so fast? Because the Arabs forbade Jews from living in Yafo (Jaffa) in the 1920s. In fact, the Arabs also ethnically cleansed ALL Jews from Judea, Samaria, and Gaza in 1948 (1929 in Hebron, Gaza City, part of Jerusalem, and other places).

    4.When the Muslims ruled OUR land, Jews were forbidden from entering the tomb where OUR ancestors are buried in Hebron.

    5. When Muslims ruled OUR land, Jews were forbidden from visiting OUR holies site, the Temple Mount.

    Perhaps quid pro quo is the way to go- eh? Maybe we should do it their way.

  8. tgia:

    I know it annoys you to read comments like this "guest" guy left, but I actually think their comments can be useful because it gives a chance to analyze Zionist arguments-or I should say lack of arguments. Notice how he chose not to address the Jew-only towns and aparment buildings I mentioned, but only replied to Jew-only roads in the Occupied Territories-and even that argument is dishonest. Also, notice how he complains that Palestinians attempted to protect what little land they had after the founding of Israel-yet he fails to mention the context those measures were taken in-namesly, that most of the Palestinian nation had just been illegally evicted from their homes.(thus it cannot be considered discrimatory in the same way Apartheid or Zionism is.  And of course he spouts somestale-zealotry as more of a mantra than an argument-and he also skips the 2,000 years of history when Palestinians lived on the land.

  9. thankgodimatheistJuly 1, 2009 at 2:43 PM

    Is that all you found to say about the guy? That he's gay?

  10. thankgodimatheistJuly 1, 2009 at 2:54 PM

    I'm surprised you're still expecting any type of argumentation from Yishai Kohen whether Zionist or not!! This guy never brings anything new to enlighten us on how a Zionist mind words! Even when he's addressing his own crowd he's as soporific as always! Here's his latest comment on Haaretz:

    "We Will ALWAYS Build Here In OUR Land: Better Get Used To It"
    Very exciting, isn't?

  11. and Fleming has been blocked by holascan again, can you please find time to sort it out?

  12. thankgodimatheistJuly 2, 2009 at 1:58 AM

    There is nothing that I can do about fleming..I tried. J.S kit is extremely hard to work around. I can ban but cannot unban! I can't even log in! It doesn't accept my password.  I think they're trying to make me upgrade to the paid version!

  13. That's Allah's will.

  14. 1. There's no such thing as "Palestine" They chose war and terror INSTEAD.

    That was their choice.

    2. There are no "Jews only roads" here in Israel, as everyone knows. Israeli Arabs can travel on EVERY road that Jews can- and more.

    More because there ARE Arab-only roads; roads that are forbidden to Jews because the barbaric Arabs will murder any Jew who drives on them.

    Same with Arab-only towns.

    We won't allow Hebron or other places in OUR land to be Arab-only. Just because they ethnically cleansed ALL Jews once won't make it be that way again.

    And erasing my posts won't erase the truth.

  15. He supports the terrorists. He pays the price. :)

  16. You support fascism. You pay the price.

  17. "Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population." Moshe Dayan, address to the Technion, Haifa, reported in Haaretz, April 4, 1969.

  18. they think they have a get out of jail for genocide free card

  19. Give it a go, we'll all chip in, not. Thanks for the info tgia!

  20. Give it a go and we'll all chip in...not. Thanks for the info tgia!

  21. Bad luck Fleming, change your IP.

  22. Or use a proxy Fleming, go to a proxy site and try it out
