Sunday, March 4, 2012

The English 1% strutting their stuff

These cadaverous & dapper fellows are the English oligarchs on parade. They figured since so many English plebeians have been out marching, they would show them up with their own show of force. All 1% of them. Frankly we expected to see more portly guys since they hog most of the world’s resources but some here look like they have eating disorders & could use some biscuits. If they pass by you throw them a bone. They belong to an exclusive club called the In & Out Club (which certainly doesn’t describe their plundering policy since when they get in, you can't get them out) but nobody knows why they’re exclusive. They look like a coven of kill joys & no one in their right mind would want to party with them. (Photo by Dan Kitwood)


  1. You don't need to defend them vza; they have armies, naval fleets, and the RAF to do that.

  2. Oh Mary, they do not need defending. They are just one part of the wonder that Is London. A cliche, I know, but it takes all kinds!
    I do not spend one moment of my life in envy of people who have more wealth than I do. I am sure there are a few rotters among them, but I'd bet most are decent people having a good time.

  3. I notice one blackguard not wearing a white shirt or bowler* - should be horsewhipped.

    *The headgear you foreigners call a 'derby'. I believe those posh types call it a 'coke', which could cause confusion in some circles. 

  4. And you are just one part of the wonder of the blogosphere! Always roused to defend the world's elite. There'll be a special place in heaven for you. It'll be a lonely place though.

  5. The conformity in attire is quite interesting actually; since they own and control the clothing industry one would expect some flamboyance--like having colored ties. Perhaps that's why the Ascot races are such a sartorial spectacle. 

  6. <span>Always roused to defend the world's elite</span>

    Noooo. roused to challenge gross generalizations about people. I'd do the same for you, Mary!

  7. Are you sure it's not a Monty Python skit?  Ministry of Funny Walks?

  8. Well could you begin with retracting that nonsense about re-education camps?
