Saturday, March 31, 2012
Rare enough to be highlighted.

Chucky, Hillary, or Newt?
France: the folly Bergere of electoral politics
We can safely call Psychozy the Newt Gingrich of French politics with a little bit of Herman Cain mixed in. Marx said history repeats itself first as tragedy then as farce. But in France’s electoral arena, it hasn't even risen to the level of burlesque. As serious contenders for office, we have this creep & that pervert from the IMF who was going to run as a socialist. Here a deranged supporter of Psychozy welcomes him in Guerande. It’s a medieval city so maybe leaded water mains explain her political preferences. (Photo by Michel Euler/AP)
Immigrant rights are human rights
Rhinestone gas masks & social protest
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Guarding mannequins in Pamplona
Can you think of any better use for riot cops than guarding mannequins!? This guy in Pamplona, Spain is supposed to be tear gassing striking workers but he decided instead to make himself useful. (Photo by Alvaro Barrientos/AP)
Another protest "turns violent" when riot cops attack
Protests have been going on across Indonesia almost daily for weeks ahead of the parliamentary vote tomorrow that will raise subsidized fuel prices by one-third. The IMF, in a rare comedic moment, is pushing for the increase saying it’s not the poor but “the middle & high class people” who derive benefit from subsidized fuel prices. After protests “turned violent” when riot cops came at them shooting tear gas, the government deployed 14,000 more riot cops & 8,000 soldiers in Jakarta alone. Protestors appear to be mainly students with the trade unions making little peeps of protest & promising to attend protests. (When? After they’re over?) The psycho cop here is going after student protestors in Jakarta. (Photo by Tatan Syuflana/AP)
Tibetans in exile protest Chinese occupation
Throw the bums out!
The man in the lower photo is dumpster diving for food in Madrid, Spain (on Tuesday). So now we know why the Spanish unions pulled the work force out for another nationwide general strike (top photo). Spain already has the highest unemployment among the EU countries using the euro. Tomorrow the government presents a 2012 budget incorporating attacks on labor which the EU, IMF, & investors will go over with a fine tooth comb to insure the attacks are harsh enough to bring substantial returns on their investments in Spain. The only question is, “What’s with the one day strikes?” Take them out & keep them out until the government dumpsters the attacks on labor. And then throw the bums out! (Top photo by Juan Medina; bottom photo by Pedro Acosta/AP)
Half a lie & none of the truth
Palestinian schoolchildren in Gaza City do homework by candlelight during a power outage. The LA Times caption to this photo reads, “A political fight between Egypt, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority is to blame for fuel shortages that have led to a major electricity crisis in Gaza.” There is indeed a regrettable dispute going on with Egypt over the delivery route & cost of the fuel but the primary reason Gaza has power outages is Israel’s siege. Israel bombed Gaza’s power plant in 2006--an attack Amnesty International called a war crime. The damaged power plant is only partially operative and Israel controls delivery of diesel fuel used to run it. So we have half a lie & none of the truth. Residents of Gaza sustain blackouts lasting up to 18 hours a day & hospitals have been on the verge of disaster for months. Support Palestinians by boycotting Israeli products. (Photo by Mohammed Abed/AFP)
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
A supremely stupid court
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Vanity thy name is male!
Monday, March 26, 2012
US throws money at grief to muzzle justice
Israel severs all contact with the United Nations human rights council
Israel's Foreign Ministry orders envoy to Geneva to ignore all phone calls from rights council commissioner.
By Barak Ravid
" Israel will also bar a fact-finding team dispatched by the council from entering Israel and the West Bank to investigate settlement construction"
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Sunday, March 25, 2012
Hoodies, hijabs, and homicide
Just one month after 17 year-old Trayvon Martin was murdered on the public streets by a vigilante in Sanford, Florida, a 32 year-old Iraqi woman named Shaima Alawadi was beaten to death with a tire iron in her home in San Diego. Alawadi was a Muslim woman who wore the hijab. A note by her body read, “Go back to your own country you terrorist.” Inferior minds, poisoned with racism, have attributed Martin’s death to the hoodie which he was wearing. But attacks on Blacks which focus on their attire extend from the hoodie to how low they hang their pants off their butts, how they wear their baseball caps, & whether or not their garb signifies gang membership--because clothing has become the symbol of racist hatred. The imputation against Muslim women is that they are coerced (since women can’t have religious commitments or ideas of their own) by men & religion to wear the veil. While the dominant culture encourages women to “flaunt it if you’ve got it”, more modest women are vilified as victims &/or terrorists & freedom of religion is reduced to confetti. While the perpetrators of these murders bear full responsibility for their crimes, the media has played a central role in creating hostility & hatred against Blacks & Muslims & in whipping up hysteria against their attire. Every time we see another report or article with such imputations, we should take out our poison pens & make our voices heard & we should protest, as hundreds of thousands are doing now in support of justice for Trayvon Martin. As we have seen with Blacks & the phony war against drugs, with Mexican immigrants in Arizona, with Muslims & the freedom of religion, what is under attack is the Bill of Rights for all of us (or what’s the NDAA all about!?). Defending people’s right to wear whatever the hell they want is a part of defending the Bill of Rights. (Photo on left is Trayvon Martin; woman on right is not Shaima Alawadi)
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Immigration is a human right punishable by death
Throw the man a tranquilizer
Giddy-up, Padre!
Massive resistance to tyranny in Bahrain
Numbskulls in hoodies
Friday, March 23, 2012
The foxy little owl
The War on Black Youth
This article was first published in 1992 in a student publication at Harvard University, edited by two student activists who collaborated fruitfully with me in several areas of political work, including antiwar and union work. It was later updated in 2007 for publication in a Black community newspaper in Minneapolis, MN. I repost it here because it addresses the issues leading to the murder of Trayvon Martin and many young Blacks under the guise of fighting drugs and crime.
Continues in Comments section
Thursday, March 22, 2012
What a wonderful world
A last ode to World Water Day 2012
Immigration is a human right punishable by murder
The power couple of criminality
A metaphor for greed
Cut the odes; let's get down to business
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Betty Windsor tips her hat
Protests against IMF-mandated fuel increases
Woman is our name; farming is our game
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Caretaker & orphaned baby elephant
Elephants are deeply emotional & loving animals & form intense bonds of love with their rescuers & caretakers. According to the caretakers, the love goes both ways. As one caretaker said, “It’s not for the wages. The more you're with them, the more you satisfy yourself. You just love them." That bond is more than evident here between caretaker & orphan at the Sheldrick orphanage. (Photo by Michael Nichols/National Geographic)
The ugly face of stupid
Migrant humanitarian crisis on Yemen-Saudi Arabia border
Monday, March 19, 2012
Mexican drug trafficking suspended for pope's visit
The original sin
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Monsters & victims: the legacy of war
Boycott the Dowlympics 2012
War crimes mount in Afghanistan; antiwar protests must mount in response
Afghan parliamentary team says many Americans were involved in massacre in which army accuses one
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Afghan parliamentary team says many Americans were involved in massacre in which army accuses oneDirectly after the incident, Reuters reported multipl
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"Another civilian massacre and the savagery of our soldiers"

The bodies of Afghan civilians loaded into the back of a truck in Alkozai village of Panjwayi district of Kandahar (Photo: AFP)
Nima Shirazi
Nowhere has this vengeance been more tragically demonstrated than Afghanistan and upon an innocent and terrorized civilian population that bares absolutely no responsibility for the events that led the United States to invade and occupy the country over a decade ago.
According to the official U.S. government story, the attacks of September 11, 2001 were carried out by 19 hijackers, none of whom were from Afghanistan. Fifteen were from Saudi Arabia, two from the United Arab Emirates, one from Egypt and another from Lebanon. None of them lived in Afghanistan. They lived in Hamburg, Germany. They didn't train in Afghanistan, but rather in Sarasota, Florida. They didn't attend flight school in Afghanistan; their school was in Minnesota. The attacks were reportedly planned in many places, including Falls Church, Virginia and Paris, France, but not in Afghanistan.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Madness is not the reason for this massacre
I'm getting a bit tired of the "deranged" soldier story. It was predictable, of course. The 38-year-old staff sergeant who massacred 16 Afghan civilians, including nine children, near Kandahar this week had no sooner returned to base than the defence experts and the think-tank boys and girls announced that he was "deranged". Not an evil, wicked, mindless terrorist – which he would be, of course, if he had been an Afghan, especially a Taliban – but merely a guy who went crazy.
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