Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sarkozy caught lying on Facebook. Claims to have helped knock down the Berlin Wall

The only slight fly in the ointment is that Sarkozy wasn’t actually there. Some French newspapers are saying he didn’t get there until the 16th. The photographer who took the photo in question says it was snapped on the 10th.


  1. Hey I like Sarkozy and Kouchner. Lay off them.

  2. You would like Sarkozy, he's a nasty little racist and a hypocrite. Birds of a feather ...

  3. Speaking of walls -- I love this video

    Can someone tell me what they are chanting when they stand on top of the wall?

  4. That link didn't seem to work, try this one:

  5. A Sarkozy's pearl: " If you're 50 and still do not own a Rolex it means you're a failure "

  6. Sarkozy is a little shit. In every sense of the word..

  7. And to add insult to injury he used to wear his sporty one kilogram Rolex which looks more like for diving purposes, with a suit!!

  8. Uuuh. Didn't know that. Might have to reevaluate. I don't have a ROLEX. Nor do I want one.

    Still love Sarkozy.

  9. One of my friends knows him and really likes him.

    I think he is one of the best leaders in the world today. I like his free market policies. More free market than Bush or "the One." I love the way he is helping with training and equipping the ANSF.

    I have heard good things about the French advisors for some Afghan National Army and Afghan National Police units.

    Sarkozy is also a do gooder idealist and helps out with human rights crisis around the world. I admire what Sarkozy is doing for Africa.

  10. <span>If you only knew anan. IF YOU ONLY KNEW!~ You base you love for him on very slight and extremely sketchy vague blurred impressions from thousands of miles afar...The guy is despised by every single decent human in Frace..The rest elected him because they're shit scared the "brownies" will take over the Elysees..

  11. Sorkozy strikes me as a tough no nonsense leader who can solve problems; an efficient management of people and organizations. He doesn't strike me as the kind of wimp that Israel could push around, the way they recently forced Obama to erase his line in the sand.

  12. <span><span> You base you love for him on very slight and extremely sketchy vague blurred impressions from thousands of miles afar..</span></span>

    This is also the basis for Anan's (and a lot of other peoples') admiration of Barack Obama.
