Friday, November 20, 2009

The rape is still going on Mr. Sand

I take an issue with Shlomo Sand's view that the birth of Israel, though a fruit of a rape, the child, still should be recognised. My humble view is that the rape in question did not end with the birth of the "cute" little thing, it is STILL going on as we speak! I'm surprised that Sand has overlooked such an important point. The whole question of legitimacy is to be reconsidered in the light of this broad light collective rape.


  1. Yes,  this is a classic error - or "will to forget,"  sometimes it is done with malice -  I don't think is the case here.  It indeed seems to be the "never-ending" Nakba.

  2. <p><span><span style="">Indeed, Mr Sands argument that it still should be recognised, although what happened in the past was wrong, is undermined by the scale of the ethnic cleansing that is going on today, thousands of Palestinian homes have been marked for demolition in East Jerusalem and elsewhere.  </span></span>

  3. Yes r.s
    900 units to be built in Occupied East Jerusalem next year.

  4. "900 units to be built in Occupied East Jerusalem next year."

    So tell us Mr Sand, if we will, how are we to recognise the usurping entity when it has continually refused to define its borders.

  5. The "child" grew up to rape his mum!
