Monday, November 30, 2009

"WALLACE: Senator Bayh, you brought up the question of cost, and the administration has put the cost -- and this is kind of astonishing to, I think, a lot of people -- $1 million per soldier per year, so if you sent 30,000 soldiers, that would be a $30 billion price tag."


  1. Off topic, but this is a heartbreaker.

    10,000 E. African albinos in hiding after killings


  2. Note carefully how this ass of a senator (Bayh) speaks about getting the deficit down?  What he will propose is further cuts to any benefits the people are getting. He will do this so billions can be spent on defense and his idea of "national security,"  as if those running around in Afghanistan have anything at all to do with our security.  It is simply amazing to me that individuals like this keep getting into office.

  3.  $1 million per soldier per year?
    I wonder how much the Taliban are spending per soldier to fight the desperate USA to a stalemate?

  4. "The Taliban does not have many expenses. They are barefoot and hungry, with no roof over their heads and a stone for their pillow...Afghanistan is full of guns, we have enough guns for years." - Former Taliban minister to Pakistan, Mullah Abdul Salaam Zaeef
