Monday, November 30, 2009

Tom Friedman galore..On Mondoweiss and Glenn Greenwald

Smashing, punching, writing– it’s the amazing Friedman
""Have no doubt: we punched a fist into the Arab/Muslim world after 9/11, partly to send a message of deterrence, but primarily to destroy two tyrannical regimes."
Friedman is a study case on Greenwald's too:
"And what they needed to see was American boys and girls going from house to house, from Basra to Baghdad, and basically saying: which part of this sentence do you understand? You don't think we care about our open society? . . . . Well, Suck. On. This. That, Charlie, was what this war was about.....
"We could have hit Saudi Arabia. It was part of that bubble. Could have hit Pakistan. We hit Iraq because we could. That's the real truth."


  1. He writes like a teenager.

  2. Friedman said that there were four countries that could transform the muslim world:
    -Saudi Arabia

    Of these Iraq was chosen (I think because Saddam tried to kill Bush's Dad.)

    Interestingly Iraq might yet become a large Arab success story; which is especially important now that Dubai is falling apart. Lebonon might also become a success, although this is far from clear.

    However, extremists in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Pakistan still threaten to bring the whole world down. They are the ones that created Al Qaeda linked terrrorists and the Taliban, supposedly to advance their own "interests." They are at the root of many of the world's problems.

    They have also behaved like enemies to the Palestinians.

  3. Fryed-man is a stupid ass,  and the fact that he has a readership should give you an idea of how mentally inept many people are in America.
