Friday, November 20, 2009

Oprah Winfrey announces her retirement. I'm not sure if I should give a rat's bottom or not!! Actually I'm sure. I don't!


  1. A question is bugging me!  If Opra gives birth to a baby girl, shouldn't she call her Oprette?

  2. Um, no, why?  Plus, she's too old anyway.

  3. <span>Molly..An operette  is a small opera. (sigh)</span>

  4. Ha!  I would purposely steer away from books in her book club.  She supposedly took down the guy who wrote the book about addiction as if it were his personal experiences -- she outed him on her show about it being fiction.  (Made me want to read the book.) 

    She surprised me though by putting The Sound and the Fury on her book list.  Faulkner is pretty difficult reading!!  Did she really read TSATF?  Did her followers?  If I hadn't read that in a class, I'm not sure I could have made heads or tails of it.

  5. So she tearfully announced that she is ending her show??  In two more years?  She'll have 2 years to hype her next move.

    I never even watch her show, even re-runs.  Maybe I should start.

  6. <span> In two more years?  She'll have 2 years to hype her next move. </span>


  7. I got a big kick out of the fight between her and David Letterman.  What Letterman said was that she was more interested in the color green than  But they buried the hatchet.

    Now Letterman's new haunt is Sarah Palin,  I love it -

  8. <span>What Letterman said was that she was more interested in the color green than purple  </span>
    <span></span> :-D
