Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Former Mossad chief Meir Dagan: Israel Can Defend 1967 Borders

One of the most prevalent memes among those who defend the Occupation, settlements and oppose a Palestinian state (that is, the entirely Israeli cabinet and much of the Knesset) is that Israel can’t possibly return to 1967 borders because the past perfidy of the Arab states has proven that they’re indefensible.  Another version of the concept is what Abba Eban so colorfully and falsely depicted as “Auschwitz borders.”  Demagogues like Alan Dershowitz have taken up the cry as well.
None other than Israel’s “knife-in-the-teeth” former Mossad chief, Meir Dagan, has told (Hebrew) the “war session” at Shimon Peres’ Presidential conference that Israel defended its border quite well up to 1967 and could do so again.  He added that the current borders are not ones that must be maintained in order to protect Israel’s security.  He even made this bold statement:
Borders don’t matter.

1 comment:

  1. Even easier to defend reduced borders, say the original internationally agreed borders of 1948.
