He also said he would not respond militarily to keep the strait open—because he would not consider it an act of war against the U.S. But if he were president, he would report to Congress on the issue, leaving it up to lawmakers to declare war if they wanted.
"I think we're looking for trouble because we put these horrendous sanctions on Iran," Paul told a midday audience at the Hotel Pattee in Perry, Iowa. He said the Iranians are "planning to be bombed" and understandably would like to have a nuclear weapon, even though there is "no evidence whatsoever" that they have "enriched" uranium."
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Ron Paul believes in free trade, free investment and freer immigration with everyone in the world.
ReplyDeleteMany leftists strongly oppose these policies and instead favor harsh trade and investment sanctions agianst poor countries and "darkie" countries. They do this even though they know harsh sanctions would severely hurt poor people and "darkies." This is the heart of my difference with many hard academic leftists.
TGIA says I should prove that many leftists favor this. Which is strange since many lefties openly acknowledge their views on trade and investment.
<span>Many leftists strongly oppose these policies and instead favor harsh trade and investment sanctions agianst poor countries and "darkie" countries.</span>
ReplyDelete<span></span>Nice try, simpleton! One can object to such policies but that doesn't mean one is "against poor countries"!!!. You said Greenwald was against the poor, I asked you to prove it. Find an article where he says or means to say so. Since your comprehension skills are virtually inexistant I do not believe one word of whatever you write. Never.
TGIA, if you block imports from poor countries and if you block foreign investment into poor countries, how can that possibly not hurt poor people?
ReplyDeleteOf course people don't say exactly what they mean. They hide behind politically correct rhetoric and sophistry.
Well, if the poor people still live on sub-poverty wages, while seeing their habitat destroyed and children having to work instead of going to school, to me that's hurting them.
ReplyDeleteCheck out the Congo; or Honduras.
Congo exports close to nothing. Congo attracts very little investment. In fact, Congolese invest much of their very limited savings outside the country. Congo needs more trade and investment to reduce extreme poverty.
ReplyDeleteIn Honduras are there any prominent politicians that favor less trade and investment?
Congo is being exploited for its resources, if you have a cell phone or computer, which your postings suggest is the case, you are likely in possession of coltan, mined in the Congo and a vital part in both.
Honduras had a miltary coup a short while ago. 2010? I believe it was. The repressive new US recognized gov't is anti- labor and organizing, and the nation's sweatshops are a large supplier of clothing shelves in US stores.