Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Counter changed...It's about BDS

Just in case you're wondering why I changed the counter (French company) which was rather nicer than this one. The reason is simple. I'd boycott any company which doesn't put Palestine or Palestinian territory on the map, and just mentions "Palestinians".
Allez ouste!


  1. Tgia
    I agree , the other frog was better,but this is good too , hint :Each time you click on it , it gives you different stats

  2. They want to give the impression that "Palestinians" are just floating in the air over the land - no neighboehoods,  homes,  culture, history.  It is just like the phrase the "Gazans,"  total bullshit.

  3. I wish there was a possibility to send them feedback and why we're dumping them but there isn't any.. Also, I know Fenian uses the French company for his site but I doubt he had noticed thing. I'll try to drop him a line and if you could, v, please do. 2 opionions are better than one.

  4. i liked the old one. :(

  5. Yasmin. It was only nicer looking but the performance is similar..Not worth compromising for.

  6. Tgia
    Actually,this is better as it contains a lot of stats,each time you haver the mouse around the title Visitor online ,it display "next page" if you click then a new page with new data is displayed.there are 4 pages in total

  7. You're right! It's much better..

  8. it doesn't do that for me.  it just gives me the cities if i hover over the flag.

  9. Click, don't just hover. There are 4 pages...

  10. <span>Yasmin  don't just hover, click. There are 4 pages...</span>
