Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Human Rights Watch targeted by the usual suspects

First there was this vicious attack in The New York Times
Followed by HRW's response here.
And where are Dershowitz, Elie the weasel and the gang when you need them? Sure, they smell blood!
Warning..Since the New York Times articles are only available on subscription, I found this site (first link above). It's a far right Zionist site. The second link is from the NYT too and thus unavailable but if you cut and paste the title of the article in Google it becomes available..


  1. From the horse's mouth: HRW has lost its way and no longer concerns itself with human rights.

  2. I answered this particular piece of trash Bernstein,  when it is all boiled down Mondoweiss reduced it to one message -

    “…you can’t trust witnesses to atrocities to report them honestly.”

    Let me propose another scenario, one that runs deeper and explains why this would be essentially communicated –

    Quite frankly it is that you are supposed to agree with the assumption (”you can’t trust [THESE] witnesses”), because “we know how those “others act.” I mean, who are you going to believe? Are you going to believe people who are “like you and me,” or are you going to believe these liars and savages? He does not come out on the carpet saying this blatantly, but he implies this deep current.

    What is the deep current? That you cannot trust these people because of who they are, they are not trustworthy – even if their testimony reflects the evidence. I mean, we do not even trust them in regard to their own intellectuals, and certainly not their own version of history – they have no voice (of course, we cannot admit we give them no access to our media and literally silence them), we have to speak for them, we have to give you the “real scoop” on who they are, where they come from and what they have done. In the USA and elsewhere this is brought to the form of a skewed science, especially about those people we subvert, exploit, and invade.
    We are all supposed to “know” (because of what we have been repeatedly fed, in regard to this population and others of this region and elsewhere) – they are totally other. They do not love their children like we do, do not have the same aspirations or goals, they are religious fanatics and Muslim antisemitic’s, they are a backwards people, and are not capable of communicating what “really happened.”

    We have “ME experts” that tell us what is really going on, indeed, we have entire tomes which explain to us the “otherness” of these backward savages. I mean, you have to keep that Euro/American history together and central, we cannot trust them to tell their story. That is what – “…you can’t trust witnesses to atrocities to report them honestly,” really means – it plays upon an entire tradition about “those Palestinians – those Arabs (or anyone else that is not a freeze dried Euro-American).”
